Monday, December 30, 2013

Observations for Week 17

1. The Mean and the Average Close. Comparing the mean to the average score for the season is considered by many educators as a test of the fairness of the event being scored. In this case, the mean score was 171, the average 169.8, or 170 rounded, an excellent comparison. The mean differential was 17 points at the over end, and 24 at the under. By throwing out the high and low scores, which accounts for over and under-achievement, the differential becomes 8 points for the high end and 10 points for the low, a favorably comparable score.

2. Kevin's Has Historic Lead. Kevin has the largest lead in the history of the league. It will be virtually impossible for anyone to overtake him in the playoffs unless he forgets to make picks for a weekend, and that might not be enough. Previously, the greatest lead in the regular season was in 2011, when the commish led Kevin by 2. Kevin's 9 point lead over Marcus is overwhelming in comparison.

3. A Strong Week for League Members. Five league members scored 15-1! This is unprecedented in league history! One 14-2, one 13-3 and three 12-4's rounds out the most successful week in league history.

4. An Historic Points Differential. In the past three years, the points grouping was very much more competitive than this year. Only two points separated first and second place in 2011, and one point the other two years.

5. Please Review Playoff Rules. Before complaining, suggesting changes and/or demanding retribution for imagined slights, members should read the rules regulating the playoffs. Failure to do so will more than likely engender embarrassment for all concerned.

2013 Regular Season Standings

Season Stats; Kevin Wins the Millie

Sunday, December 29, 2013


The Commissioner applauds both Easy Ed and Patrick (The King of the North) for volunteering that they picked the Dolphins over the Jets. It is honesty and integrity like they displayed that makes the league so magical.

Although Ed pledged allegiance to me earlier this year, he seems to be wavering a bit. This is too bad. Without his support, the Commissioner would be hard pressed to continue his drive to make the league the best ever. It would engender a long period of turmoil and threaten the existence of the league itself. But the Commissioner is ever rational, and if his support is fickle, then he would be forced to turn over the Commissioner's office to Wayne, or Kevin, of Brandy, or even to Ed, who is great at stats himself.

The Commissioner would be forced to retire to President for Life.

The annual vote for Commissioner will follow the end of the season, as usual.

It is the Commissioner saying this.

Ed Speaks! (via Pat)

Commish, we both had the fins not the jets.

Easy Ed (my Dad) aka Steady Eddie was quoted saying:
"The commish makes a lot of mistakes." -Ed
"The commish should step down." -Ed
"I should join the Gonyea Rebellion." -Ed
"Wayne should take over. He's a good stats guy." -Ed

Have fun with that.

His Grace
The Young Wolf
The King in the North

Week 17 Picks


I'd like to thank all of those people (person) who supported me in my efforts to overthrow the Dictator.  All of this fighting over a single point.  Wow!  I never knew the Commish was so afraid of losing to a girl.  Don't worry I'll still beat you in the race for overall points right Grandma and Papa?!  I am the stat queen.  I'll be awaiting my second crown in the mail.


As Omaha so eloquently puts it...

Yeah, pipe down!

Consider the Source

Now, as everyone knows, the Commish prefers to stay above the fray, and does what he can to promote harmony and good feelings throughout the league. His success in this area goes without question. But he feels he must comment on how gender has been made an issue in league business.

The league has never been, nor will it ever be, divided along gender lines. To suggest such a thing is to attach the very foundations of the league. To suggest that new members be allowed in for the sole reason of tipping the balance of power to the distaff side is to render the league inoperable. The fact that a rule change was mentioned in September and then to suggest that it was somehow made into a rule but had only one application is ludicrous on its face. What of all the others who had singular correct picks throughout the year? Are they to be ignored?

Secondly,  the posts from Sanford South have been only of a complaining nature: this is bad, that should be changed, I don't like this....Surely there must be something worthwhile  about the league which you find acceptable. Why else would you belong if it is such a drag on you?

And thirdly, consider the source. Brandy doesn't even know there is an apostrophe and a capital L in O'Leary. This is a real scandal, not the ones she tries to manufacture.

It is the Commissioner saying this.

Hey!  Pipe Down.  Don't you women have cookies to bake?

Noise in Naples

Okay, now I have two things here.
First, I'm glad I'm wearing shorts because the mud is piling up high here.
Secondly, when did Gloria Steinem become a league owner?

Best to all in week 17
Kev Naples

Support for the Queen B

Following the saying of "GIRLS RULE" I, Jo O respectfully request that The Commish consider my tardy vote in support of my daughter-in-law and mother of my two rough and tumble grandsons (who will soon enough be entitled to join the GO-Zone on their own).  Seeing as I have not made ANY nasty or otherwise posts this year due to KevO hogging the computer, I humbly ask The Commish to consider my request. Come on Diane and Kate (and I feel McKenzie needs a vote to even out the numbers) jump on board and cast your GIRL vote for one of our own!  We all have been quite silent this year and need to step up to the goal line and make a STAND on this issue! OVERTHROW THE DICTATOR !!!!!!!

Yours in the Spirit of the Game Looking for Equality in Rulings by the SAC Committee,
Jo O Naples Out for Now -- Look for more posts as I wrestle my husband off the computer.

Ps Note the capitalization of words and exclamation punctuation !!!!!!!

I see how it is....

I will use the year's most annoying word as my response...



P.S.  I will be boycotting any further communication with the Dictator until further notice.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sanford South Is Mistaken

Ed and Patrick have pledge allegiance to the Commish. Ryan and Kyle do not have separate votes from Brandy and Sean. That leaves three for Brandy. Kevin is surely checking Marcus's many singular correct picks this year. That accounts for his silence.

As per a recent post, the league is bitterly divided and  the only untethered vote is Diane's, and she has been silent, leaving us irretrievably deadlocked. Brandy should be commended for her passion on this issue, but deadlock plays to the status quo, which is the Commissioner's ruling. He should be commended for making a ruling counter to his son Marcus's success.

It is the Commissioner who says this.

Dictator in action

When did this league become a dictatorship???  I never once heard the Dictator...uh I mean the Commish ask fellow members what they thought.  I'm sure no one is in fear of my point total and now it is just the fact of the matter.  Hey Naples, where is my support on your rule???  I think we should put forth a vote.  So far I've tallied a vote pro Brandy from Brandy, Sean, Kyle, Ryan, and I know Kate and Ed are on my side (but this can never be verified or denied).  Who else is on my side?

"Litigation would surely be brought against the league, or even against the Commish himself, despite his great popularity amongst league members."


What world does our Commish live in?


"The Commish cannot imagine the outcry from the present points leader if his lead should evaporate or disappear."

<ears perk up>

Tell me more...


An Apology to Sanford South

The Commish apologizes to Brandy (Sanford South) for mistaking her post as written by Sean. He should have realized that Sean doesn't do posts, and that it was logical and well-written, thereby confirming that it was indeed Brandy's work.

However, a cursory review of over 1,000 posts reveals that the vast majority have a signature on the bottom, even when the account is not shared. It would seem that signing your work adds to clarity in communication, something with which the Commish is ever concerned. It would seem even more so when each post has the account holder's name within a quarter inch of the end of the post. The fact that so many thought this was Sean's position confirms the miscommunication.

Although Bran continues to make good points about her proposed change in the awarding of points for singular correct picks, nowhere in the by-laws is the method by which she claims this change was made mentioned, nor would it ever be. That system, built on casual discussions and framed by silent votes of non-compliance is fraught with danger. If adopted, the by-laws could be changed willy-nilly and not go through the rigorous process changes in the by-laws now endure. Furthermore, to make a change in the rules now would require an exhaustive season-wide search for other such cases, which would inevitably lead to changes in the overall points for the season. The Commish cannot imagine the outcry from the present points leader if his lead should evaporate or disappear. Litigation would surely be brought against the league, or even against the Commissioner himself, despite his great popularity amongst league members. Also, future changes and improvements in the points system would forever be circumspected by the fear that simply saying something and not hearing any negative responses would make a change official. The competition in the league would surely result in a plethora of changes, week to week and even day to day, for members to gain personal advantage.

Finally, the Commish thanks Bran for utilizing a BS system for the Sanford picks in the future. It is the height of maturity to choose the high road in these matters, as evidenced by Naples and Omaha.

It is the Commissioner saying this.

Week 17 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Commish photographed from his best side...

Good luck

Go ahead big boy ~ cinch those pants up. Oh and by the way. Did anyone hear the fat lady sing yet? Hey Kev, for all the baseball you played and coached didn't anyone tell you ~ you never put the bats in the bag until the game is officially over.  Not saying your chances aren't looking good, but I have seen bigger boys get nervous at the plate in the last inning. Or standing over that 2 foot dead straight put to win it all. Don't let that light reflecting off of the mirror distract you. Good luck!

What's this last minute sucking up to the commish all about?

Looking good

Golly, I forgot to mention how well the Commish looks!


Holy Cow

The end of the regular season seems to bring out the worst in some league members. Bran, searching and clawing for every point she can find(or manufacture), continues to cling to her panties with what she thinks is a bylaw. Two kids later has distorted her memory as to how points are accrued. I'm glad the Commish has finally put his foot down on this frivolous request. Omaha, in some sort of comment that had a whiff of congrats to the point leaders, must be feeling better. I'm sure most of his pain lies in the fingers on the keyboard. Kirk has chirped in as only Kirk can(pathetically). Diane must be bound and gagged somewhere in CT. Luke has less points than Kate who has taken all home teams and the Pats each week. Is there a lesson here? The Manchester duo of Poofy Patrick and The Ghost have been extremely quiet as of late. Oh, right, Patrick was whining to the Commish about some error. How obnoxious! This brings me to Marcus. The Silent Selector from Peterborough has maintained a furious pace in positioning a run at the play-offs. Marc, give me a call and I'll tell you how to handle the media. I have some great tips from experience. The first is to NOT talk to Omaha. The second is to NOT listen to Omaha. The rest are pretty much all common sense.

Best to all in week 17
Happy Holidays

It's Brandy

The chaos in this league is at an all time high.  Unbeknownst to me...Sean signed in the Go Zone on my computer and when I posted the request for my extra point I didn't realize it was under Sean's name.  I (Brandy) picked the Cardinals and therefore I should be awarded my one extra point.  Is that too much to ask?  There will be no revisiting of this rule later.  I believe I responded to Kevin's request approving this rule.  No one else said anything, so it passed.  That was my motivation in picking the "off" teams this week. 

As for your complaints about posting the picks, don't get your panties in a wad.  We posted our picks right and the Commish should have referred back to Figure 15.3 to see that Brandy (me) was the only one to pick the Cardinals.  If it makes the Commish happy I will most definitely post our initials "BS" along with our posts.  That is pretty much how I feel about what goes on in this league. 

Pull it together team,

P.S. Maybe you didn't recognize my post because I didn't refer to myself as the appointed Queen B.

Sean's Mistaken and a Nude of the Commish

Sean picked the Seahawks, so the rest is moot. I do think the SAC should revisit that suggestion in the future, however. The problem is that most people using one Picks Form for two people clearly identify which pick is for whom. The commissioner has let this go, but often the IT team makes mistakes on these choices, tranversing choices. Kev and Jo and Sean and Brandy have been assuming that the person identified on the form is the first choice and the other person is the second.

Here is Sean's pick form:

 As can clearly be seen, this was Sean's Picks Form and he picked the Seahawks.

Ed and Patrick have been clearly identifying their picks by putting an E or P before each different pick, but leaving the same picks without any letter designation. This is much clearer,  and therefore a better system. In the future, I am asking Kev and Jo and Sean and Brandy to use the Patrick and Ed system, or fill out separate forms.

It is the Commissioner saying this.

In keeping with Jo's recent emails of the past, a picture of me that appeared on front page of the Manchester Union Leader Sunday edition, probably sometime in 1949. Alas, I gave up my modeling career soon after that to concentrate on the Korean War.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Nice try Sean, but Christmas has come and gone.  Better luck next season.


my score

Since I was the only one to select the Cardinals last week and they won... I should be awarded extra points.  This is a rule that the leader suggested when the season first began and approved again just yesterday during a meeting to overthrow...or I mean buy the Commish a present for his hard work.   What say you Commish?!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Commish said:  "Kevin salts it away."

Way to go, Grinch.  Baa humbug...


Week 16 Observations

1. Kevin Salts It Away. Naples has strong control of the Millie. He has a 6 point lead on Marcus, and a 10 point lead on Kirk. Some members were hoping for Marc to continue his run at Naples, but Kevin grabbed 3 points on him this week, all but securing the trophy.

2. Kirk Makes a Late Rush. Kirk has been making a steady run for the lead in points, and his 11-5 week brought him into third place. Now that his deer are all labeled and bagged, his picks have been getting a lot better.

3. Brandy Gets POW. Sanford South was part of two excellent picks this week. Bran and Ryan get the Pick of the Week with their Cardinals over Seahawks pick and they joined Diane to pick the Giants over the Lions, although upon hindsight it is surprising so many picked  the Lions there. They also joined Luke and Sean and Kyle to pick the Colts.

4. Patriot Haters Hate Loses Them Points. Cuz Wayne, Kirk, Patrick and Bran and Ryan all picked against the Pats. It is a testament to the strength of their hatred that they are willing so often to sacrifice points rather than pick the Pats. It is their choice, of course, but counseling might be in order. Of course, it could be a case of Flacco love, but that seems irrational and sounds a bit dirty. It also seems abusive for Bran to force Patriot Hating on Ryan at such a tender and impressionable age. The proper state agency should be notified.

5. Updates. The Financial page has updated.

Week 16 Stats

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 16 Picks

My picks are in.  Don't give out any info, Commish,  I don't want Naples and Marcus copying them...


Saturday, December 21, 2013

I just read the bylaws.  Clearly they were updated after the recent posts by Diane and Kirk.  Section VII (with its filthy animal reference) is new.

Also, there is no provision anywhere in the bylaws for a President, let alone a President for life.

Remember one and all, absolute power absolutely corrupts.  No finer example of this truism is the recent power grab being undertaken by our corrupt commissioner. 

Kirk, as one of the most intelligent members of this forum, don't let the commish blow all that smoke up your..., well, you know where.  He is Satan; he will exact a stiff price for the praise and glory he heaps on you.

Omaha watchdog

The Commissioner Officially Responds

First, Diane. It is expressly forbidden in the code of ethics to refer to other league members as "filthy animals." Even though it is an understandable mistake, it is, alas,  forbidden.

Second, Omaha. It is expressly forbidden to accuse other members of taking funds for supporting the fine work the Commissioner is doing for the league. Such bullying is not only illegal, it is just not right. You should read the by-laws' Code of Ethics.

Third, Granby. While the Commissioner is impressed with your wit, wisdom and general comportment, he feels it necessary to remind you that he has been nominated as "President for Life," not "Commissioner for Life." Of course, the position of Commissioner is by necessity a political position that needs be voted on regularly. The Commissioner does value your enthusiasm, loyalty and intelligence and holds dear your friendship, perspicacity and self-reliance. Keep up your good work for the league, Sir.

It is the Commissioner saying so.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Kirk!  For heavens' sake, get a grip!

How much has our tyrant Commish paid you for that endorsement?



As for the sister , she works for UPS and hasn't slept since Thanksgiving . We all don't have the luxury of sitting in a tree for hours !!!
My Go Zone score is proof of that . Thank god for no thursday game this week because i also forgot all about that to !! Bring on the drones. I could use a little help . boooo hooooo to me !!
Hope you all enjoy your Holidays with your family and friends . Im looking forward to summer , a cold drink and some quiet time at Uncanonuc .
Merry Christmas you filthy animals !!!!!
Much love from the nice Severance xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

I can assure you that Granby is not in hibernation  ~ working a lot but not sleeping. 3 bagged / packaged and put away in the freezer to date.

Just a couple of questions.

Why is it that 2 pic is the only one that constantly has a problem, perhaps a fount size?

Why is it that nipples always has a condescending remark, perhaps a back stabber trying for all its worth to become the Commish? Get real.

Omaha ~ if you cant keep Kevin under control ~ your fired. Sorry, I forgot that was copyrighted.  

As far as my whinny little sister goes ........ I haven't heard from her in a long time. Not complaining thought. Time to fuel the drone up again and see what she is doing.

Keep looking over your shoulders this week is going to be a good one!!!!!! One last thing before I refill my drink.

Remember Mike O is and will be Commish for life!
Given the huge number of errors in stats I have informed the Commissioner's office about over this season (and that's just counting mine and my dad's stats btw), I have concluded that the stats put forth by the Commissioner's office are meaningless. In fact all stats from this season must be subjected to an audit by an independent third party to determine the accuracy of said stats. Until such time all stats shall remain meaningless especially stats concerning that Naples ninny Unca Kev. All that time on the golf course has left him half baked. Stop ya whining.

Also go Marcus!!! The young shall devour the old.

His Grace,
The Young Wolf
The King in the North

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Yea, really, a classic whine don't ya think?

Oh, the irony...

Naples wrote thusly:

Is there a by-law relating to needy, whiny owners making continuously frivolous requests that only bog down the workload of [the commissioner's] office? 

Really, Kevin?


Week 16 Picks Form

No Thursday game this week.

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Cry me a river


Is there a by-law relating to needy, whiny owners making continuously frivolous requests that only bog down the workload of your office? There aren't enough monkeys to babysit Omaha and Manchester Patrick. BTW, someone must be picking for Marcus. Is Granby hibernating? Luke must be sniffing too much cement polish. Windsor Locks can't be out picking blueberries in December! There is a position open in the Commish's office----Quality Control Director, calculator mandatory.

Best to all and Happy Holidays


Tap tap, when do I see my corrected stats?

This is an outrage.  Our incapacitated commissioner transversed mine and  Marcus' picks.


Corrected Stats

The IT department transversed Kev and Jo's picks. They apologize for the error. Here is the amended stats:

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

I'm sorry. I didn't know Cornish Flats High had a football team.
I didn't play HS football?


Week 15 was the worst week for league members in history. Seven members couldn't get above .500, with four getting six points or less! The sad observations.

1. Marcus Shines Again. Somehow navigating through the jungle quicksand of this week, Marc won 12 picks and amassed 13 points, putting him only one point behind Kevin. He went against the grain to pick Minnesota over the Eagles, the Bills over the Jags, the Pack over the Cowboys and, of course. the Ravens over the Lions.

2. Kevin Staggers to the Finish. Kevin's chances on the Millie have lessened considerably by losing 5 points to Marc this week. It goes to show how dangerous it is to put your faith in the Saints away from home, the Cowboys in December, and the Lions anytime and anywhere.

3. Only Four Members Made Double Digits. Kirk, Marc, Luke and JoJo were the only members to get 10 or more points. Luke has been making a little rally lately. It is interesting that of all the league members, he is the only one to actually play high school football, although it was only for one year.

4. Many Games Decided on the Last Play. The Ravens, Dolphins, and Packers games were decided at the very end, and each could have gone the other way.

Week 15 Stats

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I see Kevin has copied 15 out of 16 of my picks this week. No wonder he's doing so well.

Week 15 Picks

Hey, the picks form isn't available anymore.  Answer the phone, Mike.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The certified sissified Florida wuss posts again.!  I think it's great you found Florida, because you never could cut it in the northeast.

I'm looking out at a winter wonderland, enjoying a brief look at a modest amount of snow, knowing it will be gone in a few days.  My golf group is already planning for golf this coming week, but alas, my doctors won't let me join them.

And, you lie about 62 degree temps in Naples.  Anything below 78 would send your sissy ass scrambling to Brazil.

Omaha the rugged.


Back on the blog! Had some techno difficulty that originated from either Comcast or Omaha. I'm leaning toward Omaha. I noticed he must be feeling better after picking back up with that annoying midwest whine. First whinery without grapes! Please bear with me while I apply more sunblock. You know how those rays are! Also, the tracking in of beach sand is a problem. Hold on, I need to turn the pool heater down. Probably no baseball or golf in the north and midwest now. Hold on again, the AC just kicked on. Chilly in the am here---62. Brrrrr! Got to go now, you know how those tee times can creep up on ya!

Best to all,
Happy Holidays

Friday, December 13, 2013


Okay, I officially give up. The Chargers beat the Broncos in Denver, 27-20 and it wasn't really that close. How?

This is who the Chargers have lost to this year. The 2-11 Texans, the mediocre Titans, the horrible Raiders, and the pathetic Redskins. All of those teams beat the Chargers.

I don't get it, although Peyton did look cold and old last night. And he didn't have Welker. But still, the Chargers? The Chargers have the worst passing defense in the league, and Denver lost to them at home?

On a brighter note, here is my neighbor Doc Dean with a pigeon he found on my front lawn this morning. It is completely tame and refuses to fly away.


All you guys and gals copied my pick.


Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

Week 15 Thursday Night

The King in the North: Broncos

Easy Ed: Broncos

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Commish is correct, I am recovering well here in Omaha.  My home care-giver is obviously out of practice, but with patience I'll re-train her.

I have no pain, walk around the house a lot, go up and down the stairs (very steep ones). 

The only pain I feel is when I look at the standings.  When I look at the talented teamowners we have, it is incomprehensible to me that Kevin from Naples could be anywhere near the lead, much less possessing it.  The mental anguish is far more painful than any pain I suffered following surgery.  Removing my catheter was a joy compared to reading the standings.


Week 15 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 14 Observations

1. Kevin Pulling Away. Kevin increased his lead to six points with his 11-5 week. Diane dropped back into a tie with the Commish with a 9-7 week. The Commish was 10-6.

2. Marcus Pulling Up. Marc continued his hot streak with a 13-3 week, including calling the Bears on Monday night. He was 11-5 in week 11, 9-4 in week 12 (which won that week!), and 12-4 week 13. He is now in second place with 144 points to Kevin's 150.

3. Kate Wins the Week. Kate won the week with a 14-2 record, including the home field Bears on Monday night.

4. Omaha's Fine. Cousin Wayne is doing well after his surgery. He was up and walking the day after the procedure and pronounced that "all the nurses love me." He scheduled the surgery so he could  play golf when he visits Florida in February. He went home on Saturday and he had a rough weekend, but mainly because of medication problems. He said he adjusted those and that he is doing fine now.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sunday, December 8, 2013



You need to switch around are picks in the Bills/Bucs game.

Week 14 Picks

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

Week 14 Thursday Picks

The King in the North: Jaguars

Easy Ed: Texans

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 13 Observations

1. Kevin Pulling Away. Naples has a 5 point lead on Diane, 6 points on the Commish and 8 points on Marcus. He had a league leading 13-3 for 14 points this week. Yet Naples has been quiet for over 3 weeks. That is just not like him.

2. Marcus Ascending. Peterborough has had a string of good weeks, bringing him into the leader's circle. This week's 12-4 record got him 13 points.

Week 13 Stats

Monday, December 2, 2013

RE: Errors

The IT department says the reason your  picks were in error was they came in so late that the staff was rushed to get them on the grid for publication. Thank you for correcting the public record.

Using all caps is akin to shouting in internet discussions. Please refrain from such ungentlemanly conduct.

The financial page is routinely updated, however, the audit has been hampered by a paucity of membership dues. We are attempting to find where these dues have been placed, or if they have been received at all. In fact, there are no records of either the King or Steady Eddy of paying any dues at all, ever, as of this post.

The Commish and President for Life (pending)

Week 14 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


When will the financial page be up? The Commish is as bad as Welcome to your dystopian future....


The King and Easy Ed had:

The Browns, not the Jaguars.

The Eagles, not the Cardinals.

The Rams, not the 49ers.

The monkey must have got into the liquor cabinet. Or is this an attempt by the Commish to get more people to post to the blog? He has been complaining about the lack of activity recently. That's sad and desperate of him.
Ft. Meyers,'s all the same drivel, no matter its origination.

For the record, Bo Pelini is a jerk and a lousy coach.  I have wanted him fired for the past three years.  So, trying to tie us together doesn't work. 

Secondly, where is next week's survey? 


Week 13 Picks

A Plethora Back Pellini

First of all, it was Sports Illustrated that wrote that he was extended to 2018. I guess I should have fact checked them, but I didn't and I won't.

Second of all, it is a gross insult to call me Naples. To tolerate such a broad and huge slap in the face is to encourage and promote heartland thuggery in the worst possible way. If this were 200 years ago, I would demand the name of your second. In fact, Nipples Naples hasn't posted in over a month.

Third of all, a plethora of news stories quote the Nebraska AD as saying he backs Pellini fully, even after yesterday's loss. Of course, that doesn't mean anything, but that is the point. In the cesspool of heartland sports politics, to be publicly backed is to be personally forewarned. The fact is that Pellini is the coach of Nebraska today, and he will be tomorrow.

Fourth of all, welcome back to the blog. It has been so dead, I was about to call an emergency league members meeting so we could all stand in a circle, join hands and try to contact the living.

Fifth of all, next week's picks form will be available on Tuesday so you can fill it out before going in for your operation, or as Naples calls it,  your "procedure." No excuses!

Sixth of all, the financial page has been updated.

Fort Myers, not Naples.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Get your facts straight, Naples.  Pelini's contract was extended (a year ago) to February, 2018.  That means he's the coach through the 2007 season, not 2008.

It's academic anyway, after today's meltdown, I'll be shocked if his days in Nebraska reach double figures.  The sooner he's gone, the better.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thursday Picks

Games of Turkey

The King in the North and Easy Ed pick the:


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Pelini Nebraska Coach Until At Least 2018

Congratulations to Omaha.  His boy,Nebraska coach Bo Pelini is secure until after the 2018 season! From Sports Illustrated:

07:21 AM ET 11.27 | Speculation about a coach's job safety brings a review of his contract. In the case of Bo Pelini, the Husker head coach in mid-December of last year received a "positive performance evaluation" that extended his contract a year to Feb. 28, 2018. The extension was given by outgoing athletic director Tom Osborne on Dec. 13 of last year based off the evaluation and "with the approval of the Chancellor," Harvey Perlman. That information, and updated data of assistants' contracts, was obtained this week from the athletic department at the Journal Star's request. Such one-year extensions are something of an annual procedure within the coaching profession. ... If Pelini were fired, the university would be on the hook for $7.65 million to him minus any salary guaranteed at his new employment.

Way to go, Omaha!! The heartland knows talent when it sees it!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 13 Picks Form (3 Thursday Games)

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 12 Observations

1. Diane on the Rise. Diane has been slowly gaining the past few weeks and this week she rose to the number 2 slot with 122 to Kevin's 125. Mike is third now with 121.

2. Marcus on the Move. Marc has been moving up the board over the past three weeks, all solid for the Commissioner's first born. With a league leading 10 points this week, his joins the leaders in forth place with 118.

3. A Quiet Blog. The activity on the blog has been reduced to accusations from Naples and retaliation from the Commish. Maybe it is the holidays. Or, maybe it is because of emotional exhaustion  and intellectual bankruptcy. Either way, Blaaaah.

4. The Mendoza Line Breached. Numerous league members had their worst week ever, or so it seems.  Omaha, New Haven, Steady Eddy, Luke, Kevin and Kate were all below .500, with Kirk, Luke and Kate way below .500.

5. Patriot Haters. Wayne, Kirk, and Bran were joined by Patrick to throw away points. I don't get it. Kev thinks, and I agree, that the Pats can play with anyone and win on the road. They were jobbed last week and fortunate this week, but both games were a toss-up, and Belichek teams win most toss-ups. I'm not complaining; it all helps my score, but I'm confused about why people seem to jump at the chance to pick against them.

6. Chiefs Lose. I was pretty surprised that the Chiefs gave up so many points and lost their second straight game. Of course, both those losses featured decent quarterbacks and not the back ups they faced so often during their winning streak. I'll have to re-evaluate their quality, and this coming week they face the Broncos coming off a loss. How cold will it be in KC?

7. Peyton Looked Old and Cold. He didn't throw the ball much and according to Patriot insiders that was by design. They say the Pats purposefully gave looks that favored the run so that Peyton wouldn't pass. Okay, but how do you explain his fumble when he was untouched by any Patriot. And how many teams give up 250 yards rushing and win? What?? And the Superbowl is in New York this year! In early February! New York! And if the Bronco get home field advantage, he will have to play in cold, windy and possibly snowy conditions throughout the playoffs! What are the chances he will be able to win every one of those games?

8. Giants Lose Again. I am going to give up on the Giants. I don't know what happened to Eli, but he looks awful. I've lost more points on them this year than any other team and I've had it with them.

Week 12 Stats

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday Night Picks


It's not about justice. It's about revenge.

Thursday Week 12

The King in the North: Saints

Easy Ed: Saints

Also a warning to this Bruno character, should he travel north with ill intent he should be prepared to face the King's justice.

Week 12 Picks Form

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The Commissioner announced today that Bruno Santiago, the official in charge of accuracy of the league's picks,  has been summarily fired. The Commissioner added that when demanded exactly why he identified Patrick and Ed O'Leary's erroneous pick of the Bills over the Jets last week. The Commissioner also supplied Bruno with pictures of both Patrick and Ed, their places of employment, and their address. He also loaned Bruno $500 for round trip tickets to Manchester, NH. When asked why did all these things, the Commissioner said, "The dude was pissed."

In other news, the financial page of the GoZone has been updated.

Re: Week 11 Stats

My dad and I had the Jets... I think. I'm not sure what I put in the survey actually. Easy Ed was quoted as saying we should keep quiet but as King I'm honor bound to see such errors corrected even if it's to my detriment. Such is the weight of my crown. Btw I thought the monkey was to prevent such errors. Does this monkey smoke a lot of crack I wonder?

His Grace, 
The King in the North

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Code Broken!!

The Commissioner has broken Omaha's code!!   Here is his redacted "How I Cheated" post.

You see folks, this is why the three cuz's always failed to beat me at strat-o-matic baseball.  They have no vision; they can't see the forest for the trees.  Instead of listening to the question, or asking what's the question, they just take the easy way out and answer the question, any question, without a clue as to what's being asked.

The question is, how come Wayne was so superior to his three cousins at playing this all-star baseball game?  That's a pretty straight-forward, simple question.  

But instead of taking the academic route towards an answer, Mike chooses to ignore the question and instead wage a war over whether or not Ted Williams was left-handed.

I, on the other hand, upon introduction to the all-star strat-o-matic baseball game, was instantly attracted to the "bat" as it were, i.e., the arrow that was spun to determine how and where the batter hit the ball.  
I quickly realized the number of revolutions and the final destination of the arrow's head (point) was determined by two factors:  (1) - the amount of friction between the arrow and the mechanism upon which it was destroy, and (2) - the amount of propulsion (spin) administered by the batter (me) when swinging the bat (spinning the arrow.)
Pretty simple stuff, but far beyond the three stooge's collective grasp.

The arrow had a hole in the center of the shaft, and was mounted over a peg, resting on the game's "board".  There was a "cap" holding the arrow in place so it wouldn't fly into the sunset when I gave it a spin.  The peg, the board, and the cap all applied friction to the arrow.

The challenge, naturally, was measuring the amount of propulsion necessary to spin the arrow exactly 7-3/4 revolutions from the 9 o'clock position to stop between 11 o-clock and high noon, where the home run awaited.  Cousin Ed demonstrated his spin for me, at various speeds and coming to rest at numerous locations.  He made it a point to tell me the arrow must make a minimum of seven revolutions before coming to a stop.  

I took a few practice spins and quickly deduced the appropriate amount of propulsion necessary to hit a home run.  A few more practice swings to achieve muscle memory, and the rest is history.

Now here we are, almost 60 years later, and
Mike's answer to the simple question highlighted above is to still argue whether or not Ted Williams was left-handed.
Aye yi yi.

Thursday Night Picks

Thursday Week 11 picks

The King in the North: Colts

Easy Ed: Titans


It was nice of Omaha to explain exactly how he cheated at Strat-0-Matic baseball, however a review of the facts are needed.

Fact 1: No, Omaha didn't always spin exactly 7 and 1/4 turns. In fact, he seldom got it around even once.

Fact 2: No, Chappie did not sound like a member of the British royal family when he spoke. He sounded exactly like someone born to two 100% Irish immigrants.

Fact 3: No, Ted Williams was not left-handed. He batted left-handed, but he was right handed otherwise.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


I sit here in tears over Cuz Omaha's kind and well-constructed words about mom and dad. I am a bit prejudiced about the subject, but yes, they were special people. They are locked in here as well. Extremely lucky to have such parents.

However, Omaha's recollection of his physics-oriented spins leaves only one clear conclusion----gobbledy-gook. It was solidified when he mentioned his "muscle memory".

Cuz Wayne, all the best with your procedure. Keep us posted.

Cuz Naples 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

You see folks, this is why the three cuz's always failed to beat me at strat-o-matic baseball.  They have no vision; they can't see the forest for the trees.  Instead of listening to the question, or asking what's the question, they just take the easy way out and answer the question, any question, without a clue as to what's being asked.

The question is, how come Wayne was so superior to his three cousins at playing this all-star baseball game?  That's a pretty straight-forward, simple question. 

But instead of taking the academic route towards an answer, Mike chooses to ignore the question and instead wage a war over whether or not Ted Williams was left-handed.

I, on the other hand, upon introduction to the all-star strat-o-matic baseball game, was instantly attracted to the "bat" as it were, i.e., the arrow that was spun to determine how and where the batter hit the ball.   I quickly realized the number of revolutions and the final destination of the arrow's head (point) was determined by two factors:  (1) - the amount of friction between the arrow and the mechanism upon which it was mounted, and (2) - the amount of propulsion (spin) administered by the batter (me) when swinging the bat (spinning the arrow.)

Pretty simple stuff, but far beyond the three stooge's collective grasp.

The arrow had a hole in the center of the shaft, and was mounted over a peg, resting on the game's "board".  There was a "cap" holding the arrow in place so it wouldn't fly into the sunset when I gave it a spin.  The peg, the board, and the cap all applied friction to the arrow.

The challenge, naturally, was measuring the amount of propulsion necessary to spin the arrow exactly 7-3/4 revolutions from the 9 o'clock position to stop between 11 o-clock and high noon, where the home run awaited.  Cousin Ed demonstrated his spin for me, at various speeds and coming to rest at numerous locations.  He made it a point to tell me the arrow must make a minimum of seven revolutions before coming to a stop. 

I took a few practice spins and quickly deduced the appropriate amount of propulsion necessary to hit a home run.  A few more practice swings to achieve muscle memory, and the rest is history.

Now here we are, almost 60 years later, and Mike's answer to the simple question highlighted above is to still argue whether or not Ted Williams was left-handed.

Aye yi yi.


Ted Williams was Right-Handed

He batted left, but he was right-handed. I bat left, but I'm not left handed. You said Ted Williams was left handed. He wasn't. End of story. I don't know why you are insulting him anyway. Jeez. Have you no decency?

Week 11 Picks Form

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Just as sure as I would spin the needle left-handed, Ted Williams would swing the bat left-handed.  Having seen him play several times, including two HRs one day against the KC Athletics, I can state this as a fact.


Re: Recent Posts

To Naples: That's "scurrilous" and "odious."

To Sanford: "Whoever won" is not a valid prediction,  although the Commissioner understands why Sean may be getting desperate. To avoid these kinds of choices, the league is looking into using checkboxes to make picks. Threats upon monkey will be investigated, rest assured.

To Omaha: Ted Williams was not left handed. Leave it to a Yankees fan to malign his memory. Also, you accuse the Commissioner of being cheap, yet you cry like a little girl about the finances. Which is it, cheap or extravagant?

Chappie in normal times:

Chappie watching the Red Sox lose:

Millie all the time:

Millie's college graduation picture:

The Commissioner hard at work in the central office's winter headquarters

Week 11 Stats

Monday, November 11, 2013

Wow, where to begin?

Being left-handed is being handicapped?  Heh, tell that to the Splendid Splinter, Phil Michelson, Whitey Ford, Sandy Kofax, Ken Stabler, (well, he was chemically handicapped) Big Papi.  The list goes on and on.

Being left-handed is to be celebrated.  We are set apart (and considerably above) the rest!

It's clear that my three cousins didn't like my summer visits.  I can't blame them.  I wouldn't be thrilled to take the beatings I administered in the baseball games at Mount Base or on the porch overlooking the lake.  Saints Millie and Chappie looked forward to my visits, though.  Clearly, it was the only time Ed, Mike and the brat ever got their asses spanked.

Mike's continuous allegations that I didn't actually spin the arrow at all flies in the face of reality.  Like a good golf swing, it must be repeated over and over again in order to attain perfection and achieve the desired result.  Failure to spin correctly results in, sorry guys, the last thing I want to do is rub in it.   Your fascination with watching your shit swirl clockwise on its way down the toilet places you in a box where you think everything moves clockwise.  Think outside the box.

To wit:  A right-hander swinging a bat moves it counter-clockwise, while the left-hander's rotation would be - TAA DAA - clockwise.  This is true not just in this hemisphere, but throughout this world! 

I may forget why I turned on the computer 10 minutes ago, but I have a vivid memory of  my beloved Aunt Millie and Uncle Chappie.  I remember every work they ever spoke to me.  They are locked in the vault.  Their words of wisdom have guided me throughout my life.  But I loved them for more than their wisdom.  What I respected most was their character, unconditional love, sense of fair play and above all, their honesty.

When Uncle Chappie said Red hit a home run, he undoubtedly hit a home run.

When Uncle Chappie reviewed my "spin" and declared it not only legal, but like Teddy Ballgame's swing, a thing of beauty, my "spin" was both legal and athletically perfect.

You may besmirch his name and reputation because, well, you have no honor.

And lastly, your "IT" department is manned by a bunch of slugs.  To save money and eliminate benefits, you cheap bastard, you hired contractors who care nothing about quality service.  You get what you pay for - nothing.  As Kris Kristopherson wrote:  nothing ain't worth nothing, but it's free.

(The Undefeated)  



All I can say about the latest Cuz Omaha deal is this. Red Schoendienst had a "1" that couldn't even fit the minicule space and he ends up leading the league in homers! Are you kidding? Every one of his homers were deeply contested because the needle was bigger than the zone. Left-handed cheater! Also, anyone who is both squirrelous and odorous has a problem. Millie always vetoed Chappie's vote about the Cuz Wayne summer visits. Why do think Jim Lahey made his own beer next door! Chappie paid him!

Best to Wayne

Omaha is Back, Sort of

The Commissioner has seen a lot and done a lot, but Omaha's latest two postings take the cake. In his paranoid ramblings, filled with non-sensical and highly improbable events, he has exposed himself to the rest of the league as the scurrilous scallywag he truly is.

A point-for-point refutation of his main arguments follows.

"It pains me to make this post." It pains all of us, Omaha.

He claims Ed didn't tell him the rules. Why should he? and why was Omaha looking to Ed for guidance? Ed was barely conscious during the entire summer, day or night. If Omaha wanted to pick teams without reviewing the rules, who were we to stop him? He was a guest, after all. We were told that Wayne had to come because Judy was coming to give Dianne someone to talk about boys with. I don't know why, she had three brothers who were boys she could talk to. Well, except for Ed. Wayne even claimed he "soldiered on, without complaining." As if soldiers never complained! Every soldier I knew, and I was a soldier, complained endlessly about everything.

Omaha says that being left-handed allowed him to cheat. I don't know why, I didn't follow that logic. And, it used to be that when people had disabilities they would try to hide them. But no, Wayne brags about being left-handed, claims it gave him special rights, like he was blessed or something. Now, everyone knows lefties are disadvantaged in life. They mature later, have more accidents, have trouble completing simple tasks and flip their wrist when they walk. You'd think that like all other lefties, Omaha would try to hide his condition out of respect for normal people. But no, not Omaha. He brags about it, throwing it in our faces, laughing hysterically all the while. Which brings me to my next point.

Omaha admits to hearing voices. I don't want to belabor this, but he really should try to hide at least a few of his flaws, especially ones that might lead people to think that he is stark, raving insane.

Omaha claims his spins made 7 and 3/4 revolutions before landing in the vertical position on the cards, which also happens to be where the "1" home run marker was. He is delusional. First of all, he didn't spin at all, he clunked the spinner with his index finger clicking off his thumb, the way a person might playfully tag an earlobe on someone who was annoying them, like Dianne. Secondly, he couldn't have spun the spinner, for in this hemisphere, things go clockwise down the toilet. If he were to spin it counterclockwise, some sort of cosmic order would have been disrupted and some sore of horrible catastrophe would have ensued.

His remembrance of Chappie didn't sound like Chappie to me. "Wow. It is amazing how you so skillfully manage to land the needle in zone 1with such frequency"? Are you kidding me? And, it was quite well known that Chappie hit the sauce pretty hard whenever Wayne would visit. I'm not saying he had a problem with Wayne or anything, but he hit the sauce really hard his entire visit.

Omaha claims the conspiracy theories give him a headache, then he details a conspiracy theory of the Commissioner using his drone to zap his pathetic, circa 1985 computer. Once and for all, the Commissioner does not own a drone. At best, it is rented. A little attention to details, please.

He claims "the esteemed Commish had removed the "G" and kicked him out of the O-Zone." First of all, I have to think that that "esteemed" was the basest sort of sarcasm, but that is neither here nor there. I do know two things. The IT Department does not want to deal with, in their words, "that jerk" again. As they are sub-contracted, I cannot force them to do odious things, like talk to Wayne again. Secondly, if that "tidy sum" is not in the mail soon, Omaha will feel the pain of redaction, to say the least.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

It pains me to make this post.

Once again, I am forced to defend my athletic skill and yes, my honor, for my undefeated world series record at All-Star strat-o-matic baseball.  My skill at the game was so superior, those rubes had no chance to beat me.  Ed, Mike, Kev...heh, they were no match for my skill at the game.

Ed didn't even tell me the rules.  I had to pick my players without knowing what the various numbered zones stood for.  I got suspicious after about 8 rounds of drafting players, when Ed picked Jim Perry as his ace pitcher.  Jim Perry?  Not Whitey Ford, Warren Spahn, Bob Feller, and other greats of the day???  Jim Perry?  It turns out zones 7 and 11 stood for singles, and Jim Perry's zones were as large as Nellie Fox's, and Nellie had the largest ones in the game.  According to those player cards, Jim Perry would hit for a higher average than anyone on my team.  But I soldiered on, without complaining.

As Mike said, the common spin started at the 3 o'clock position, IF YOU ARE RIGHT-HANDED, as the cuz's were.  But I am left-handed.  My spin started at the 9 o'clock position, spun in the opposite direction, made almost exactly 7-3/4 revolutions,  generally ending up somewhere between 11 o'clock and high noon.  As it happens, the home run zone on the player cards were at that exact location.

Oh, how they whined, and whined, and whined.  How can Red Schoendeist hit a home run with that tiny zone?  So they protested.

Now, it happens we had a fair and impartial umpire in residence, one who understood the game and had great experience diplomatically dealing with whiners.  The only experience he lacked, obviously, was spanking them.

I demonstrated my needle spin for our esteemed umpire.  "Wow," he said, "it's amazing how you so skillfully manage to land the needle in zone No. 1 with such frequency."  The three brats groaned.  He then asked them to demonstrate their spins.  "They land all over the place," he said, "especially in the 6, 8 and 10 zones.  You guys get a lot of whiffs and other outs, huh?"  Despite their constant reminders that they came from his loins, our fair-minded umpire, his honesty above reproach, consistently called-em-as-he-saw-em, and yes, Red actually hit more home runs than Ted Williams.

Now, that umpire was to be the inspiration for my own umpiring career.  And to watch my cousins call into, flat-out accuse His Honor, the esteemed Edmund Joseph O'Leary, Sr., of showing favoritism in his rulings, is like shoving a knife in my belly.  Oh, the inhumanity!  How could you?  Ohhhhh the shame... 

Sheesh.  I don't know where to start.  After struggling through all the posts I've missed these past couple of weeks, my only response is to plead with all of you:  Please, please, climb down from the grassy knoll.

All this conspiracy talk has given me a headache.  My new hearing aids have short-circuited, lost their calibration, and now I hear all kinds of whistles, cracklings and rattles.  I had to make an appointment for this coming Wednesday to have them re-calibrated to stop all the noise in my head.  The Commish has started all this conspiracy talk to divert our attention from his devious power grab.

I mean, common now, he "talked" to Ed and has him on his side?  Shit the greatest comedy writers in history couldn't come up with a funnier line then that.  He "talked" to Ed, chased me into exile, and has somehow convinced Kirk that he is a man of honor.


Let's start with my computer failure.  Sadly, it suffered a direct radio signal hit from the Commish's drone, reported as a UFO by several of my neighbors.  Several teams of Omaha's finest tried in vain to shoot it down, and before they could summon help from the Strategic Air Command Headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base in the suburb of Bellevue, it was too late.  Jets were scrambled and buzzed the house for three hours in vain.  There were reports it quietly landed at the old, abandoned north Omaha Air Guard base, quickly loaded into a semi-trailer and hauled away.  The cops raced from my far west Omaha location to the far north side in vain, as the culprits clearly crossed the nearby Missouri River into Iowa, where they disappeared into the field of dreams.

When at last my new computer arrived, I discovered our esteemed Commish had removed the "G" and kicked me out of the O-Zone.  It took two days of negotiating, pleading and finally, bribing the bastard for re-entry.  He did, however, say "thank you" for the tidy sum he thinks he will be receiving in the mail.

Week 10 Picks

Week 10

Picks are in.

Last Week

Sean demands his point back from last week for the Titans/Rams game.  He said he picked "whoever won".  Sean is upset that he no longer has the post to refer to and knows the Commish would never take his word for it.  He demands access to the monkey to locate his missing point.  Immediate action better be taken or I don't know what will become of the monkey....

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thursday Night Picks


Bran: Vikes
Sean: Skins


The King in the North and Easy Ed pick the Redskins.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Week 10 Picks Form

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week 8 and 9 Observations

Kirk Strong 8, Marcus 9. Granby hit week 8 hard with 12 wins and only 1 loss. Marc was the only player to get 9 wins week 9.

Kevin Ascends. Kevin followed a 10-3 week 8 with a 8-5 week 9, pushing his lead to 3 over the Commish, and 5 over Diane, and Brandy. Brandy has had two 8-5 weeks in a row, lifting her into a third place tie.

The Mendoza Line Breached. Ed, Patrick and Sean all scored under .500 during week 9. They had identical picks, straining probability, although I'm sure Brandy could clear that up with some bizarre factorial argument.

Others in the 90's. Kirk with 91, Wayne, Marcus, and Sean with 90.

Omaha Back on Line. Wayne lost his circa 1983 computer and called to complain (is that a redundancy?) about his inability to log on to the Go Zone site. The league's crack IT rep was able to talk him through the process but not without a host of threats, two attempts to quit the league, and myriad complaints about stupid computers, the fascist commissioner, and the unfairness of life in general. When the ordeal (as the rep called it) was over, the rep was waiting for a "Thank you," when all he got was, "It's about time." and 5 or 210 minutes of another paranoid rap.

Conspiracy Against the Commissioner Identified. Thanks to Kirk, the Commish has identified the source of rebellion against his duly appointed rule. It now seems obvious that Naples Kevin along with Omaha have been conspiring to end the Commissioner's reign and usurp the power for themselves. While they often bicker amongst themselves, everyone knows that Wayne likes Kevin the most and Kevin never complained about Wayne's cheating at Strat-o-matic Baseball.

This is serious charge and one that cuts the league in half. The Commissioner has consulted with Ed and Patrick, and has their support, as well as Marc's and Luke's, although Luke wanted concessions made around the Commissioner's truck, currently housed in NH. That puts six backing the Commissioner. The rebel group has Wayne and Kevin, and, given tone of Sanford's comments to the Commissioner, Sean and Brandy, and of course Jo and Kate. That gives them 6 in their grimy group. That leave only Diane as an unaffiliated member of the league. If she should stay that way, the rebels will be stymied from their diabolical plot, but should she lean either way, the forces of good and evil will be unleashed.

It should be noted that earlier in the year, Wayne wanted Karen to become a member, and Sean and Bran wanted Ryan and Kyle to join. The Commish now sees the intent of those actions. The new members would be securely in the rebel group and would tilt the balance of power inexorably to the dark side.

The Commissioner labors on, defending the league and battling the forces who would destroy the league for their own gain. He warmly accepts the loyalty of his supporter, and admonishes the rebels with, "Be careful. I am watching you."

Week 9 Stats

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 9 Picks

Week 9

Picks are in for the King in the North and Easy Ed.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Luke's Garage Floor Goes Hollywood

Luke polished his garage floor last spring and his boss brought in a professional photographer to take some shots of it. Recently, some of those shots showed up in a trade magazine.

Thursday, October 31, 2013