Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Re: Recent Posts

To Naples: That's "scurrilous" and "odious."

To Sanford: "Whoever won" is not a valid prediction,  although the Commissioner understands why Sean may be getting desperate. To avoid these kinds of choices, the league is looking into using checkboxes to make picks. Threats upon monkey will be investigated, rest assured.

To Omaha: Ted Williams was not left handed. Leave it to a Yankees fan to malign his memory. Also, you accuse the Commissioner of being cheap, yet you cry like a little girl about the finances. Which is it, cheap or extravagant?

Chappie in normal times:

Chappie watching the Red Sox lose:

Millie all the time:

Millie's college graduation picture:

The Commissioner hard at work in the central office's winter headquarters