Friday, December 27, 2013

It's Brandy

The chaos in this league is at an all time high.  Unbeknownst to me...Sean signed in the Go Zone on my computer and when I posted the request for my extra point I didn't realize it was under Sean's name.  I (Brandy) picked the Cardinals and therefore I should be awarded my one extra point.  Is that too much to ask?  There will be no revisiting of this rule later.  I believe I responded to Kevin's request approving this rule.  No one else said anything, so it passed.  That was my motivation in picking the "off" teams this week. 

As for your complaints about posting the picks, don't get your panties in a wad.  We posted our picks right and the Commish should have referred back to Figure 15.3 to see that Brandy (me) was the only one to pick the Cardinals.  If it makes the Commish happy I will most definitely post our initials "BS" along with our posts.  That is pretty much how I feel about what goes on in this league. 

Pull it together team,

P.S. Maybe you didn't recognize my post because I didn't refer to myself as the appointed Queen B.