Friday, December 20, 2013

I can assure you that Granby is not in hibernation  ~ working a lot but not sleeping. 3 bagged / packaged and put away in the freezer to date.

Just a couple of questions.

Why is it that 2 pic is the only one that constantly has a problem, perhaps a fount size?

Why is it that nipples always has a condescending remark, perhaps a back stabber trying for all its worth to become the Commish? Get real.

Omaha ~ if you cant keep Kevin under control ~ your fired. Sorry, I forgot that was copyrighted.  

As far as my whinny little sister goes ........ I haven't heard from her in a long time. Not complaining thought. Time to fuel the drone up again and see what she is doing.

Keep looking over your shoulders this week is going to be a good one!!!!!! One last thing before I refill my drink.

Remember Mike O is and will be Commish for life!