Sunday, December 29, 2013


The Commissioner applauds both Easy Ed and Patrick (The King of the North) for volunteering that they picked the Dolphins over the Jets. It is honesty and integrity like they displayed that makes the league so magical.

Although Ed pledged allegiance to me earlier this year, he seems to be wavering a bit. This is too bad. Without his support, the Commissioner would be hard pressed to continue his drive to make the league the best ever. It would engender a long period of turmoil and threaten the existence of the league itself. But the Commissioner is ever rational, and if his support is fickle, then he would be forced to turn over the Commissioner's office to Wayne, or Kevin, of Brandy, or even to Ed, who is great at stats himself.

The Commissioner would be forced to retire to President for Life.

The annual vote for Commissioner will follow the end of the season, as usual.

It is the Commissioner saying this.