Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Commissioner Officially Responds

First, Diane. It is expressly forbidden in the code of ethics to refer to other league members as "filthy animals." Even though it is an understandable mistake, it is, alas,  forbidden.

Second, Omaha. It is expressly forbidden to accuse other members of taking funds for supporting the fine work the Commissioner is doing for the league. Such bullying is not only illegal, it is just not right. You should read the by-laws' Code of Ethics.

Third, Granby. While the Commissioner is impressed with your wit, wisdom and general comportment, he feels it necessary to remind you that he has been nominated as "President for Life," not "Commissioner for Life." Of course, the position of Commissioner is by necessity a political position that needs be voted on regularly. The Commissioner does value your enthusiasm, loyalty and intelligence and holds dear your friendship, perspicacity and self-reliance. Keep up your good work for the league, Sir.

It is the Commissioner saying so.