Membership Forms

All people who wish to join the Go Zone Football League must fill our two forms and then comply with stated procedures if they are accepted.

It is strongly recommended that each member bookmark the GoZone url to gain easy entry into the GoZone site. Surveys go out Tuesday morning and the best way to stay current is to check the site every Tuesday afternoon.   If you can't find a link by Tuesday afternoon, call 011 and request a welfare check.

Google requires a google email address to quickly gain access, but some of the original members never got one, so I don't know.

Google allows for 15 members to be automatically emailed every time someone posts, but new members can be followers by going to the bottom of the home page and signing up there. You will get weekly emails for all posts that week. 

Please fill out the picks on the survey software at least 1 hour before the first game on Sunday.  You can email ( or text me (239-404-6140) your pick for Thursday night, although, according to the web site,  you can also fill out the survey for that game only and finish the survey later.