Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Week 14 Observations

1. Kevin Pulling Away. Kevin increased his lead to six points with his 11-5 week. Diane dropped back into a tie with the Commish with a 9-7 week. The Commish was 10-6.

2. Marcus Pulling Up. Marc continued his hot streak with a 13-3 week, including calling the Bears on Monday night. He was 11-5 in week 11, 9-4 in week 12 (which won that week!), and 12-4 week 13. He is now in second place with 144 points to Kevin's 150.

3. Kate Wins the Week. Kate won the week with a 14-2 record, including the home field Bears on Monday night.

4. Omaha's Fine. Cousin Wayne is doing well after his surgery. He was up and walking the day after the procedure and pronounced that "all the nurses love me." He scheduled the surgery so he could  play golf when he visits Florida in February. He went home on Saturday and he had a rough weekend, but mainly because of medication problems. He said he adjusted those and that he is doing fine now.