Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Week 15 was the worst week for league members in history. Seven members couldn't get above .500, with four getting six points or less! The sad observations.

1. Marcus Shines Again. Somehow navigating through the jungle quicksand of this week, Marc won 12 picks and amassed 13 points, putting him only one point behind Kevin. He went against the grain to pick Minnesota over the Eagles, the Bills over the Jags, the Pack over the Cowboys and, of course. the Ravens over the Lions.

2. Kevin Staggers to the Finish. Kevin's chances on the Millie have lessened considerably by losing 5 points to Marc this week. It goes to show how dangerous it is to put your faith in the Saints away from home, the Cowboys in December, and the Lions anytime and anywhere.

3. Only Four Members Made Double Digits. Kirk, Marc, Luke and JoJo were the only members to get 10 or more points. Luke has been making a little rally lately. It is interesting that of all the league members, he is the only one to actually play high school football, although it was only for one year.

4. Many Games Decided on the Last Play. The Ravens, Dolphins, and Packers games were decided at the very end, and each could have gone the other way.