Sunday, December 29, 2013

Consider the Source

Now, as everyone knows, the Commish prefers to stay above the fray, and does what he can to promote harmony and good feelings throughout the league. His success in this area goes without question. But he feels he must comment on how gender has been made an issue in league business.

The league has never been, nor will it ever be, divided along gender lines. To suggest such a thing is to attach the very foundations of the league. To suggest that new members be allowed in for the sole reason of tipping the balance of power to the distaff side is to render the league inoperable. The fact that a rule change was mentioned in September and then to suggest that it was somehow made into a rule but had only one application is ludicrous on its face. What of all the others who had singular correct picks throughout the year? Are they to be ignored?

Secondly,  the posts from Sanford South have been only of a complaining nature: this is bad, that should be changed, I don't like this....Surely there must be something worthwhile  about the league which you find acceptable. Why else would you belong if it is such a drag on you?

And thirdly, consider the source. Brandy doesn't even know there is an apostrophe and a capital L in O'Leary. This is a real scandal, not the ones she tries to manufacture.

It is the Commissioner saying this.