Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 12 Observations

1. Diane on the Rise. Diane has been slowly gaining the past few weeks and this week she rose to the number 2 slot with 122 to Kevin's 125. Mike is third now with 121.

2. Marcus on the Move. Marc has been moving up the board over the past three weeks, all solid for the Commissioner's first born. With a league leading 10 points this week, his joins the leaders in forth place with 118.

3. A Quiet Blog. The activity on the blog has been reduced to accusations from Naples and retaliation from the Commish. Maybe it is the holidays. Or, maybe it is because of emotional exhaustion  and intellectual bankruptcy. Either way, Blaaaah.

4. The Mendoza Line Breached. Numerous league members had their worst week ever, or so it seems.  Omaha, New Haven, Steady Eddy, Luke, Kevin and Kate were all below .500, with Kirk, Luke and Kate way below .500.

5. Patriot Haters. Wayne, Kirk, and Bran were joined by Patrick to throw away points. I don't get it. Kev thinks, and I agree, that the Pats can play with anyone and win on the road. They were jobbed last week and fortunate this week, but both games were a toss-up, and Belichek teams win most toss-ups. I'm not complaining; it all helps my score, but I'm confused about why people seem to jump at the chance to pick against them.

6. Chiefs Lose. I was pretty surprised that the Chiefs gave up so many points and lost their second straight game. Of course, both those losses featured decent quarterbacks and not the back ups they faced so often during their winning streak. I'll have to re-evaluate their quality, and this coming week they face the Broncos coming off a loss. How cold will it be in KC?

7. Peyton Looked Old and Cold. He didn't throw the ball much and according to Patriot insiders that was by design. They say the Pats purposefully gave looks that favored the run so that Peyton wouldn't pass. Okay, but how do you explain his fumble when he was untouched by any Patriot. And how many teams give up 250 yards rushing and win? What?? And the Superbowl is in New York this year! In early February! New York! And if the Bronco get home field advantage, he will have to play in cold, windy and possibly snowy conditions throughout the playoffs! What are the chances he will be able to win every one of those games?

8. Giants Lose Again. I am going to give up on the Giants. I don't know what happened to Eli, but he looks awful. I've lost more points on them this year than any other team and I've had it with them.