Saturday, December 28, 2013

An Apology to Sanford South

The Commish apologizes to Brandy (Sanford South) for mistaking her post as written by Sean. He should have realized that Sean doesn't do posts, and that it was logical and well-written, thereby confirming that it was indeed Brandy's work.

However, a cursory review of over 1,000 posts reveals that the vast majority have a signature on the bottom, even when the account is not shared. It would seem that signing your work adds to clarity in communication, something with which the Commish is ever concerned. It would seem even more so when each post has the account holder's name within a quarter inch of the end of the post. The fact that so many thought this was Sean's position confirms the miscommunication.

Although Bran continues to make good points about her proposed change in the awarding of points for singular correct picks, nowhere in the by-laws is the method by which she claims this change was made mentioned, nor would it ever be. That system, built on casual discussions and framed by silent votes of non-compliance is fraught with danger. If adopted, the by-laws could be changed willy-nilly and not go through the rigorous process changes in the by-laws now endure. Furthermore, to make a change in the rules now would require an exhaustive season-wide search for other such cases, which would inevitably lead to changes in the overall points for the season. The Commish cannot imagine the outcry from the present points leader if his lead should evaporate or disappear. Litigation would surely be brought against the league, or even against the Commissioner himself, despite his great popularity amongst league members. Also, future changes and improvements in the points system would forever be circumspected by the fear that simply saying something and not hearing any negative responses would make a change official. The competition in the league would surely result in a plethora of changes, week to week and even day to day, for members to gain personal advantage.

Finally, the Commish thanks Bran for utilizing a BS system for the Sanford picks in the future. It is the height of maturity to choose the high road in these matters, as evidenced by Naples and Omaha.

It is the Commissioner saying this.