Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Week 8 and 9 Observations

Kirk Strong 8, Marcus 9. Granby hit week 8 hard with 12 wins and only 1 loss. Marc was the only player to get 9 wins week 9.

Kevin Ascends. Kevin followed a 10-3 week 8 with a 8-5 week 9, pushing his lead to 3 over the Commish, and 5 over Diane, and Brandy. Brandy has had two 8-5 weeks in a row, lifting her into a third place tie.

The Mendoza Line Breached. Ed, Patrick and Sean all scored under .500 during week 9. They had identical picks, straining probability, although I'm sure Brandy could clear that up with some bizarre factorial argument.

Others in the 90's. Kirk with 91, Wayne, Marcus, and Sean with 90.

Omaha Back on Line. Wayne lost his circa 1983 computer and called to complain (is that a redundancy?) about his inability to log on to the Go Zone site. The league's crack IT rep was able to talk him through the process but not without a host of threats, two attempts to quit the league, and myriad complaints about stupid computers, the fascist commissioner, and the unfairness of life in general. When the ordeal (as the rep called it) was over, the rep was waiting for a "Thank you," when all he got was, "It's about time." and 5 or 210 minutes of another paranoid rap.

Conspiracy Against the Commissioner Identified. Thanks to Kirk, the Commish has identified the source of rebellion against his duly appointed rule. It now seems obvious that Naples Kevin along with Omaha have been conspiring to end the Commissioner's reign and usurp the power for themselves. While they often bicker amongst themselves, everyone knows that Wayne likes Kevin the most and Kevin never complained about Wayne's cheating at Strat-o-matic Baseball.

This is serious charge and one that cuts the league in half. The Commissioner has consulted with Ed and Patrick, and has their support, as well as Marc's and Luke's, although Luke wanted concessions made around the Commissioner's truck, currently housed in NH. That puts six backing the Commissioner. The rebel group has Wayne and Kevin, and, given tone of Sanford's comments to the Commissioner, Sean and Brandy, and of course Jo and Kate. That gives them 6 in their grimy group. That leave only Diane as an unaffiliated member of the league. If she should stay that way, the rebels will be stymied from their diabolical plot, but should she lean either way, the forces of good and evil will be unleashed.

It should be noted that earlier in the year, Wayne wanted Karen to become a member, and Sean and Bran wanted Ryan and Kyle to join. The Commish now sees the intent of those actions. The new members would be securely in the rebel group and would tilt the balance of power inexorably to the dark side.

The Commissioner labors on, defending the league and battling the forces who would destroy the league for their own gain. He warmly accepts the loyalty of his supporter, and admonishes the rebels with, "Be careful. I am watching you."