Sunday, December 29, 2013

Support for the Queen B

Following the saying of "GIRLS RULE" I, Jo O respectfully request that The Commish consider my tardy vote in support of my daughter-in-law and mother of my two rough and tumble grandsons (who will soon enough be entitled to join the GO-Zone on their own).  Seeing as I have not made ANY nasty or otherwise posts this year due to KevO hogging the computer, I humbly ask The Commish to consider my request. Come on Diane and Kate (and I feel McKenzie needs a vote to even out the numbers) jump on board and cast your GIRL vote for one of our own!  We all have been quite silent this year and need to step up to the goal line and make a STAND on this issue! OVERTHROW THE DICTATOR !!!!!!!

Yours in the Spirit of the Game Looking for Equality in Rulings by the SAC Committee,
Jo O Naples Out for Now -- Look for more posts as I wrestle my husband off the computer.

Ps Note the capitalization of words and exclamation punctuation !!!!!!!