Monday, December 30, 2013

Observations for Week 17

1. The Mean and the Average Close. Comparing the mean to the average score for the season is considered by many educators as a test of the fairness of the event being scored. In this case, the mean score was 171, the average 169.8, or 170 rounded, an excellent comparison. The mean differential was 17 points at the over end, and 24 at the under. By throwing out the high and low scores, which accounts for over and under-achievement, the differential becomes 8 points for the high end and 10 points for the low, a favorably comparable score.

2. Kevin's Has Historic Lead. Kevin has the largest lead in the history of the league. It will be virtually impossible for anyone to overtake him in the playoffs unless he forgets to make picks for a weekend, and that might not be enough. Previously, the greatest lead in the regular season was in 2011, when the commish led Kevin by 2. Kevin's 9 point lead over Marcus is overwhelming in comparison.

3. A Strong Week for League Members. Five league members scored 15-1! This is unprecedented in league history! One 14-2, one 13-3 and three 12-4's rounds out the most successful week in league history.

4. An Historic Points Differential. In the past three years, the points grouping was very much more competitive than this year. Only two points separated first and second place in 2011, and one point the other two years.

5. Please Review Playoff Rules. Before complaining, suggesting changes and/or demanding retribution for imagined slights, members should read the rules regulating the playoffs. Failure to do so will more than likely engender embarrassment for all concerned.