Friday, December 27, 2013

Sean's Mistaken and a Nude of the Commish

Sean picked the Seahawks, so the rest is moot. I do think the SAC should revisit that suggestion in the future, however. The problem is that most people using one Picks Form for two people clearly identify which pick is for whom. The commissioner has let this go, but often the IT team makes mistakes on these choices, tranversing choices. Kev and Jo and Sean and Brandy have been assuming that the person identified on the form is the first choice and the other person is the second.

Here is Sean's pick form:

 As can clearly be seen, this was Sean's Picks Form and he picked the Seahawks.

Ed and Patrick have been clearly identifying their picks by putting an E or P before each different pick, but leaving the same picks without any letter designation. This is much clearer,  and therefore a better system. In the future, I am asking Kev and Jo and Sean and Brandy to use the Patrick and Ed system, or fill out separate forms.

It is the Commissioner saying this.

In keeping with Jo's recent emails of the past, a picture of me that appeared on front page of the Manchester Union Leader Sunday edition, probably sometime in 1949. Alas, I gave up my modeling career soon after that to concentrate on the Korean War.