Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 8 Observations From the President for Life (proposed)

Winners of the Week. Diane at 12 total points and Sean with 11 were the big winners this week. Both are rising fast on the leader board, with consistently good efforts the past few weeks.

Losers of the Week. Both Luke and Bran were below .500, a Mendosa Line of sorts. But Bran was the leader last week, so her 6-9 week leaves her still  amongst the leaders. Lucas, not so much.

Steady Eddy Ready? Ed continues to make mind-exploding choices, with some hitting big and others seeming to scuttle his ship. Is  this the way he makes his picks at the track? On the good side he took the Colts, one of only three to do so. He took the Redskins, one of only four, and he was one of the two to pick the Bills. He followed that with picking the Jags and the Bucs. Yikes!

Kate's System Gains a Bit. Kate is at 70, tied with Wayne and Kirk, ahead of Ed, Marc, Luke, and Jo. She is behind Di, Pat, Mike, Kevin, Sean and Bran, putting her about in the middle statistically. 71.7 is the average and 73 is the mean.

Home Team Dominance? Factoring in Kate's system, it seems fair to count home team advantage a bit more when making bets. There doesn't seem to be a dominant team who can be counted on away form home, absent the Chiefs, and they haven't beaten anyone very tough away from home.

Injuries Abound. Making the picking task more hazardous is the tremendous amount of injuries to key players on each team. It is difficult to figure how teams will adapt in the short term, making the home team more likely to win even more perhaps.