Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Commissioner's Notes—Week 6

1. New Leader Emerges. Bran has taken sole control of the leadership with 12 points for the week and 70 overall. Kev with 69, Mike with 67, Di and Patrick with 64 Wayne, Sean with 62, Kirk and Kate with 61, and Marc, Ed and Luke with 59, 58, and 57 follow. Bran leap-frogged Kevin with the Monday night pick of the chargers, creating a 3 point swing.

2. Unanimous Pics 4-1. Unanimous picks Chicago, Kansas City, Denver and Seattle all won. Texas was the only unanimous loser.

3. Tyranny of the Majority. Ed lost his lone pick of the Cardinals over the 49ers. Luke his pick of the Redskins over the Cowboys and Kate's pick of the Bills over the Bengals.

4. Tyranny of the Minority. Bran and Kate won big with their Monday night Chargers picks. Ed won his pick of the Panthers over the Vikes. Diane and Marc won with their Steeler picks.

5. Patriot-Haters Lose. It seems Patriot haters Kirk, Ed and Sean have been joined by Bran in losing points by picking against the Pats. It is amazing how many points haters will sacrifice for their Anti-Patriots obsession. Sanford seems to be the center of this fanaticism, but, this league is all about making your own choice, so nothing can be done, officially, to them. However, if one of the league's members is associated with the organization Anonymous, then things could get sticky, and there is nothing the league can do to protect them.