Saturday, October 19, 2013

Disfunction abounds

First, it appears the SAC has no sac. This talk about drones and beheadings and vengeance must cease even though I know firsthand that the Commish has a guillotine in his backyard/office.

Second, he is correct about Manchester sans the political tone. There has not been one audible grunt from there in years that makes any sense.

Third, I believe Bran the Queen B has resorted to taking meds that were prescribed for her two darling children. As we are seeing, it has had an adverse affect on her. Hopefully it will wear off soon. The by-laws clearly state that no one person may hold both offices of President and Queen B unless you have a split personality..............

As for Omaha, paranoia is the theme of the month out there. Just because you don't receive a confirmation of weekly picks doesn't not mean drones are flying overhead. Possibly in the head though. Stay inside for a day or two. I don't want you walking off the fiscal cliff or shooting monkeys.

To all, it seems things are rolling along as smooth as usual.
