Saturday, October 19, 2013

RE: Inaccuracies, Distortions and Paranoia from Manchester, Sanford

This "warranted" surveillance is an assault on the constitutional right to privacy of all league members. What enemies?! Trumped up threats and hollow boogiemen is all they are. They're about as real a threat as snarks and grumpkins Canadians north of the Wall border. I will not live in fear of the imagined tyrannies put forth by the commish as justification for his trampling of our rights and I will not live under the tyranny of his fascist regime for those that govern are the real threat to liberty.

Speaking of which, who comprises the esteemed Senior Advisory Council? And who would be voting on making the commish "President for life"? I can't imagine who would want that other than the commish himself. How very clandestine. I demand transparency. Without it this wolf's nose smells corruption and rot behind the closed doors of the SAC. NO LIFE TERMS!

I call on those in Omaha and Sanford to continue challenging the commish on his drunken mad dash for power over our lives and our picks. I sincerely hope that our dear leader is not savaged by a boar when out hunting squirrels while drunk on all his power.

And finally, as usual Naples has decided to vomit more incoherent nonsense all over his keyboard and call it a post. This clown thinks he's so clever. About as clever as a squirrel. All he does is insult his fellow league members with his "jokes" and then has the gall to wish "all" the "best". What a passive-aggressive guy he is eh?  

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis

His Grace,
The King in the North