Monday, October 21, 2013


This talk about a conspiracy has me doubting the league office more than I doubt the government! The Commish has cooked up this preposterous yarn about "collusion at the camp". The only item discussed was how Cuz Omaha used to cheat at the All-Star baseball game. Now he's taking more than his picks up the ass! It is hurtful that Cuz Di would even think her oldest brother and favorite cuz would entertain any type of covert activity against anyone(well, maybe Patrick). Again, the thought that Bran Queen B actually thinks someone would copy her picks is laughable. Sean has disclosed that she is "out of control". Please keep in mind the old yet underused saying "what happens at Uncanoonic let no man put asunder". Someone please write to the Commish and tell him how wonderful the pictures, graphs, surveys, notes, and crayons are that he uses daily! I'm standing in four inches of tear drops.

Best to all,