Tuesday, October 22, 2013

I can’t be still any more. It was never meant to be a secret meeting as far as Diane and I knew. Yes Diane had text Jo and set a time to meet at the camp. BUT that’s where the truth ends. Diane and I met them at the door and welcomed both Kevin and Jo with open arms. We sat on the porch engaged in conversation when out of the blue my “cute” little sister said that she needed to get her blueberries, blackberry’s or whatever out of the boat. She was no doubt gone for at least a half hour.
 Kevin began acting extremely peculiar, odd, queer. down right difficult.
As time went on I grew increasingly concerned with Kevin’s line of questioning and demands for emediate actions to form a coup against the Commish. Moments later my “cute” little sister walked in singing Purple Haze at the top of her lungs. Jo and I did all we could to quiet her down and told her of Kevin’s plot while he was off having one of his many baby bladder moments. When he returned we did all we could to stifle his ridiculous reasoning for removing Mike from his role as commissioner.  Jo and I begged Kevin to stop, but it was clear that it was a futile attempt at stopping him as he rambled on about this bylaw and that article.
 As far as my “cute” little sister ~ all she did to help defuse his out of control ranting was sing that dam song louder and louder.

At the conclusion of our get together it was clear why Mike was not invited or anyone else.
It's  also clear why Jo and Kevin drive in separate cars  from the north pole to the south pole and back year after year.
Next. Thanks commish for the use of the drones remote. I have just down loaded data and pictures from its trip to Omaha. Let’s just say that grandparent’s should not fall asleep when there grandchildren are playing with their remote controlled toys. That may explain why the doctor told him that he kept hearing “to infinity and beyond” during the initial examination.  Don’t worry unc ~ they will get it out and all will be fine.

As agreed Commish, I am sending the drone to investigate two pick Patrick and to look for the illusive Ed. You should see it back in a week or so.

The development of the survey monkey and creation of the drone are clear cut signs of dedication and commitment to keeping the league in the straight and narrow.
Commish for life!  That’s my vote and I urge you all to get on board before it’s to late.
For more information sign on to www/br549.com
Next summer all are welcome to get together at Uncanoonuc ~ no coup, no agenda ~ just plain old fun!