Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Commissioner hails Kirk's last post as "ringing with truth" and "over-the-top hilarity." He feels totally exonerated even though his worst fears for the league have been realized. That Kevin was out of control and angling for the Commissioner's removal is sadly believable, and Kirk's dead on description of Kevin adds to his credulity.

His description of Kevin acting "extremely peculiar, odd, queer. down right difficult" sounds right to me and I'm sure all who know Kevin well. Kirk's knowledge of Kevin's "many baby bladder moments" further proves he speaks the truth. The Commissioner can clearly see and hear Kevin as he rambles "on about this bylaw and that article." 

All in all, Kirk proved prescient in his observations and in his conclusions. His vow to have only open and free and agendaless Uncanoonic meetings in the future speaks to his wisdom and his good heart.

And the Commissioner is overwhelmed by Kirk's cry to make him Commissioner for Life, an honor never before bestowed on anyone. He is sure the SAC will be interested in this groundswell of acclimation for the Commissioner and will act on it forthwith.

Finally, the truth is out and the beloved Commissioner can rest assured that all is right in the Go Zone League. Praise be to Granby!