Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brandy's Extreme Allegation Will Not Be Tolerated

The Commissioner has expressed outrage at member Brandy's allegation and she is reminded of the Commissioner's power to deduct points from a member's total for making false and libelous accusations. To rashly hurl such destructive and despicable charges at the Commissioner threatens the very foundation of the league. The integrity of our entire league, not to mention Bran's point total, rests on establishing the truth in this matter.

To wit, the Commissioner duly invited Bran to join the league and she did so, her reported email address of: bran21porter@yahoo.com. This email address is receiving each and every post and comment submitted to the GoZone.

The commissioner demands an immediate retraction of her scurrilous and baseless charge. If she is not receiving emails of posts and comments, it has nothing to do with the commissioner or the league office.

To remain silent on this issue is to invite severe and irreparable retaliation.

In other news...

In reaction to Bran's charges, The Senior Advisory Council has proposed that Michael O'Leary be named President for Life, as well as Commissioner of the Go Zone League.


Also, it is totally untrue that it took Kevin 56 weeks to realize that Bran was using his picks. He never did realize it; the commissioner told him. After analyzing the results of Marc and Luke's remarkable parallel scores, the commish decided to see if anyone else had done that and stumbled upon the Kevin-Brandy connection. He called Kevin and accused him of using Brandy's picks, and Kevin just laughed. Also, other members have communicated to the commissioner to use another's picks on occasion, so there is nothing wrong with it. If people want to publish their picks, they are in a sense sharing them.


And finally, if Sanford welcomes the privacy of picks, why then don't they use the survey?