Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Embattled Commissioner Responds

The Commissioner is sadden by the sudden lack of civility experienced on the Go Zone blog recently. As much as he would like to think that it is mostly in jest, the seriousness of the allegations,  assaults on privacy, trampling of rights, tyranny, fascist…it goes on and on.

He cannot help but think the turning points of all this can be traced back to the secret meeting at Uncanoonic last summer. Right under the nose of the Commissioner’s summer residence, league members met at a lake house there, their agenda opaque to those members abandoned by the conspirators. What did they discuss? No one knows, no one is telling. What did they decide? A mystery of all.

They cannot put forth that the Commissioner was unavailable, for his residence is a scant 40 minutes away, and, as the Commissioner has taken to wearing a phone at all times, his availability is without question, especially to members who were formerly in good standing with him.

To conspire, is to literally breathe the same air, as people do who gather in secret, in the dark and sit in a circle to better keep their voices muffled.

Since then, the Commissioner has been eaten up with sadness that such former friends have become such bitter enemies. He can only surmise that they are behind the many attacks upon the Commissioner, each and all ridiculous and unimaginable.

He has tried to look after the league’s business with good humor and sound judgment, but at every turn is attacked and vilified. He does not know who was there, or how deeply their hatred goes, for secret meetings do not provide such transparencies. But he does know they are out there, waiting and plotting and conniving and drooling their slobber on every inch of the league, on every decision and initiative.

Proof, you say? The Commissioner has presided over the complete redesign of the Picks Chart, infusing standard image sizes and colorful backgrounds. Praise? No, just complaints that it is too small.

He has instituted a survey system for picks which standardize the picks and keep them private until all are in, and requiring an entire new process to be completed by the league office. Praise? Hardly, rather he has been attacked for its very creation, of taking away members’ freedoms, of usurping control of the league.

Both of these achievements have been met with cries of horror, that they are proof the Commissioner is out of control, that he is a fascist interloper.

All is shrouded in mystery, however the Commissioner has been able to piece together some salient information. Kirk and Diane are often seen at Uncanoonic in the summer, Kevin resides close by for part of the year. Patrick and Ed are a stone’s throw away all year round. Luke and Marc, the Commissioner’s sons and until now unassailably his backers, are in the vicinity as well. Wayne is known to spend time in New Hampshire at certain times, both Sean and Kate were born there. Brandy seems closely allied with Sean and may be sympathetic to his jaundiced views.

In spite of all this, the Commissioner valiantly soldiers on, making key judgments for the league and hoping the conspirators will see the error of their ways and pledge allegiance to the Commissioner one day soon.

Until then, he humbly works on, putting the league first and foremost into his every waning breath. He will continue on until his enemies rend him asunder.