Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Secret Meeting Explained

The Commissioner is gratified that secret meeting members Diane and Kevin have come forth to explain what was discussed at the secret meeting on Uncanoonic this past summer. He is especially pleased with Diane's account and her desire to be more inclusive next summer. Kevin, while seeming to plead innocence, does so in his usual blustery way, leaving a less than satisfactory outcome.

It is the nature of secret meetings that what is discussed in fraught with suspicion and distrust. Kirk and Jo, for instance, have not accounted for their actions at the meeting. This only increases speculation on what they did and why they are resisting discussing it.

In an effort to put this secret meeting behind the league, the Commissioner has agreed to discuss something all can agree on, namely Wayne's cheating during the All-Star baseball league we played. Everyone knows the proper way to spin was to start at 3 o'clock on the dial and forcefully spin the arrow so that it revolved 8 to 12 times before coming to rest. Wayne would consistently plunk the spinner with his index finger forced off his thumb, giving it often times less than a full revolution, meanwhile spewing that Cornish Flats hip talk on three innocent lads from Reed's Ferry, confusing them and laughing at their ineptitude.  Invariably his batter would get a hit, often a triple or home run. Mickey Mantle, who somehow Wayne always got every year, had about 258 home runs one year, and Red Schiendienst, who hardly had a homerun space on his card, once led the league in home runs, naturally he was one of Wayne's players.

We could go on, but for now let Wayne know that we remember...and we are watching ...and waiting.