Thursday, October 24, 2013

Granby Guff (Redacted by the Commissioner)

I just heard from Kirk's doctor. He did release information as to Kirk's "condition". Apparently, he fell out of his favorite hunting tree when startled by a large cricket. Yes, there were concussion-like symptoms which prompted a temporary condition  known as paragraphitis. Thankfully, he has fully recovered and is back in his tree. The accurate account of the "mystery meeting" goes like this. Di Windsor Locks was out sniffing blueberries while Kirk snoozed in his chair. Please note that this is a similar scenario when he hunts in his tree. Our announced arrival was met with such high anticipation. After enjoying talking about the old times and many memories of the camp, Kirk slumped in the rocker after beer 10 and it signaled our time to exit. Di was very gracious, especially after blueberry wine bottle #7, as she planned to stomp on more Uncanoonic berries. We left quietly. No collusion, no drones, no other relatives. As for the Commish being in the "vicinity", he has trouble finding his way from downtown Peterborough to his motorcycle-infested summer home. He did mention he was busy putting together new graphics for this year's pool but was having a hard time finding his crayons and erasers. I guess things are normal. Yes, the main theme remains the same. Cuz Omaha cheated. Red who? Led the league in homers-----that's impossible!

Best to all