Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Week 5 Survey Notes—Please Read

A few notes on the use of the survey: 

1. I have included the Monday night game for anyone who wants to pick the entire schedule early. DO NOT fill out only the Monday night game and try to come back to finish the schedule. Apparently, the survey records your IP address and limits each unique address to one survey. If you use the survey for the rest of the week's games, you can leave the first one blank, or if it wants an answer, you can put in your answer, I will not be using that answer for the picks grid.

2. I have changed the name answer to a drop down menu. Simply scroll to your name to input it.

3. If you want to use the survey for both answers, you can use the Monday night slot to indicate which order each person will be choosing. For instance, Kev-Jo in the Monday night slot will indicate the that first picks are Kev's and the second's Jo's.

4. The survey allows for faster and hopefully more accurate completion of the picks grid. I get the picks in the same form (vertical) and the same order as the picks grid chart. An alternative would be for everyone to post their picks in the same order as the grid chart and in a vertical list, as is required in the Go Zone Rules and Regulations.

5. Members who do not use the survey for all their picks should make their Thursday night pick in the usual manner—by phone, text, email, or post in the Go Zone.