Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

Thurs pix

Bran: dolphins
Sean: bungles

Thursday Week 9

The King in the North and Easy Ed pick the Bengals.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Week 9 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013


To all,

Please excuse Kirk. He's been sitting in his tree again sniffing gunpowder! He is listed as stable.
GO SOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The sox's have just taken the lead and we are in between innings ~ that's the only reason that I am sending this now. For all those that have lost faith in Kevin's ways and are concerned with his less than stellar behavior.  I am here to tell you he called me today and manned up by apologized to me for his ludicrous statements recently written about me. I believe that he has now taken the first step to realizing his misguided ways and urge you all to be understanding.

Therefore Commish, please take this under consideration as he works through the remaining nine steps.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ryan's picks

I am both saddened and outraged by the news that I am no longer in the lead.  Unfortunately, Ryan took the lead last week and selected all the wrong teams.  I hope he can redeem himself this week and come out on top.

I will never follow your picks again Kevin, I got tired of your slow poke postings.  The last post logged in at 3 hours 4 minutes.  That's ok though, most people your age tend to get confused and move a little slower. 


Omaha is Okay, For Him

We have on good authority that Omaha is fine, but his 1988 computer, gas-fired we believe, has added its last list for him. While Karen has a new fangled iPad, she won't let him use it, for obvious reasons. Cuz has been assured that he will be up and running with a new computer this week, however, the techies are having a difficult time getting it to run on Windows 95, as Omaha insisted. If he is forced to learn a newer windows system, it could be a long, hard slog before he rejoins the fray.

We noticed that he took quite a bit of time making his picks this week and that his ip address changed twice during the process, a very suspicious event. There has been rumors that he suffered an electro-magnetic drone hit on his antiquated computer, which, because of its age, could not be tracked by the NSA.

Meanwhile, the Commissioner has enacted his powers under the super-secret War Powers Act to redact posts of a suspicious nature from members of a suspicious nature, starting with Kevin's last post. Rest assured that redaction is intended to protect the innocent, ferret out the treasonous, and inflict damage on the enemies of America and the League.

In other news, Mike has started a new, wildly popular series called "First World Problems: Florida."

Here is his first wildly popular effort:


Cuz Omaha, you okay? Haven't heard from you. Hope all is well there.
I have noticed that both Marc and Luke are as quiet as The Ghost. I call for a league investigation as to the validity of their weekly picks. They may just be a figment of the the Commish's vibrant imagination. After all, he consistently makes erronious references toward one senior advisory council member "mocking" other league owners. Again, that would be treasonous. Such accusations are only suitable toward Patrick and other Tea Party members. Windsor Locks and Granby need not respond. Also nice to see the Sanford Queen B copying her dad-in-law again as usual.

Best to all

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

Both Ryan and Kyle select the Panthers!

Thursday Night Picks

The King in the North and Steady Eddy pick the Panthers.

Granby Guff (Redacted by the Commissioner)

I just heard from Kirk's doctor. He did release information as to Kirk's "condition". Apparently, he fell out of his favorite hunting tree when startled by a large cricket. Yes, there were concussion-like symptoms which prompted a temporary condition  known as paragraphitis. Thankfully, he has fully recovered and is back in his tree. The accurate account of the "mystery meeting" goes like this. Di Windsor Locks was out sniffing blueberries while Kirk snoozed in his chair. Please note that this is a similar scenario when he hunts in his tree. Our announced arrival was met with such high anticipation. After enjoying talking about the old times and many memories of the camp, Kirk slumped in the rocker after beer 10 and it signaled our time to exit. Di was very gracious, especially after blueberry wine bottle #7, as she planned to stomp on more Uncanoonic berries. We left quietly. No collusion, no drones, no other relatives. As for the Commish being in the "vicinity", he has trouble finding his way from downtown Peterborough to his motorcycle-infested summer home. He did mention he was busy putting together new graphics for this year's pool but was having a hard time finding his crayons and erasers. I guess things are normal. Yes, the main theme remains the same. Cuz Omaha cheated. Red who? Led the league in homers-----that's impossible!

Best to all

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week 8 Picks Form

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


The Commissioner hails Kirk's last post as "ringing with truth" and "over-the-top hilarity." He feels totally exonerated even though his worst fears for the league have been realized. That Kevin was out of control and angling for the Commissioner's removal is sadly believable, and Kirk's dead on description of Kevin adds to his credulity.

His description of Kevin acting "extremely peculiar, odd, queer. down right difficult" sounds right to me and I'm sure all who know Kevin well. Kirk's knowledge of Kevin's "many baby bladder moments" further proves he speaks the truth. The Commissioner can clearly see and hear Kevin as he rambles "on about this bylaw and that article." 

All in all, Kirk proved prescient in his observations and in his conclusions. His vow to have only open and free and agendaless Uncanoonic meetings in the future speaks to his wisdom and his good heart.

And the Commissioner is overwhelmed by Kirk's cry to make him Commissioner for Life, an honor never before bestowed on anyone. He is sure the SAC will be interested in this groundswell of acclimation for the Commissioner and will act on it forthwith.

Finally, the truth is out and the beloved Commissioner can rest assured that all is right in the Go Zone League. Praise be to Granby!

I can’t be still any more. It was never meant to be a secret meeting as far as Diane and I knew. Yes Diane had text Jo and set a time to meet at the camp. BUT that’s where the truth ends. Diane and I met them at the door and welcomed both Kevin and Jo with open arms. We sat on the porch engaged in conversation when out of the blue my “cute” little sister said that she needed to get her blueberries, blackberry’s or whatever out of the boat. She was no doubt gone for at least a half hour.
 Kevin began acting extremely peculiar, odd, queer. down right difficult.
As time went on I grew increasingly concerned with Kevin’s line of questioning and demands for emediate actions to form a coup against the Commish. Moments later my “cute” little sister walked in singing Purple Haze at the top of her lungs. Jo and I did all we could to quiet her down and told her of Kevin’s plot while he was off having one of his many baby bladder moments. When he returned we did all we could to stifle his ridiculous reasoning for removing Mike from his role as commissioner.  Jo and I begged Kevin to stop, but it was clear that it was a futile attempt at stopping him as he rambled on about this bylaw and that article.
 As far as my “cute” little sister ~ all she did to help defuse his out of control ranting was sing that dam song louder and louder.

At the conclusion of our get together it was clear why Mike was not invited or anyone else.
It's  also clear why Jo and Kevin drive in separate cars  from the north pole to the south pole and back year after year.
Next. Thanks commish for the use of the drones remote. I have just down loaded data and pictures from its trip to Omaha. Let’s just say that grandparent’s should not fall asleep when there grandchildren are playing with their remote controlled toys. That may explain why the doctor told him that he kept hearing “to infinity and beyond” during the initial examination.  Don’t worry unc ~ they will get it out and all will be fine.

As agreed Commish, I am sending the drone to investigate two pick Patrick and to look for the illusive Ed. You should see it back in a week or so.

The development of the survey monkey and creation of the drone are clear cut signs of dedication and commitment to keeping the league in the straight and narrow.
Commish for life!  That’s my vote and I urge you all to get on board before it’s to late.
For more information sign on to www/
Next summer all are welcome to get together at Uncanoonuc ~ no coup, no agenda ~ just plain old fun!

Week 8 Schedule

Secret Meeting Explained

The Commissioner is gratified that secret meeting members Diane and Kevin have come forth to explain what was discussed at the secret meeting on Uncanoonic this past summer. He is especially pleased with Diane's account and her desire to be more inclusive next summer. Kevin, while seeming to plead innocence, does so in his usual blustery way, leaving a less than satisfactory outcome.

It is the nature of secret meetings that what is discussed in fraught with suspicion and distrust. Kirk and Jo, for instance, have not accounted for their actions at the meeting. This only increases speculation on what they did and why they are resisting discussing it.

In an effort to put this secret meeting behind the league, the Commissioner has agreed to discuss something all can agree on, namely Wayne's cheating during the All-Star baseball league we played. Everyone knows the proper way to spin was to start at 3 o'clock on the dial and forcefully spin the arrow so that it revolved 8 to 12 times before coming to rest. Wayne would consistently plunk the spinner with his index finger forced off his thumb, giving it often times less than a full revolution, meanwhile spewing that Cornish Flats hip talk on three innocent lads from Reed's Ferry, confusing them and laughing at their ineptitude.  Invariably his batter would get a hit, often a triple or home run. Mickey Mantle, who somehow Wayne always got every year, had about 258 home runs one year, and Red Schiendienst, who hardly had a homerun space on his card, once led the league in home runs, naturally he was one of Wayne's players.

We could go on, but for now let Wayne know that we remember...and we are watching ...and waiting.

Week 8 Observations From the President for Life (proposed)

Winners of the Week. Diane at 12 total points and Sean with 11 were the big winners this week. Both are rising fast on the leader board, with consistently good efforts the past few weeks.

Losers of the Week. Both Luke and Bran were below .500, a Mendosa Line of sorts. But Bran was the leader last week, so her 6-9 week leaves her still  amongst the leaders. Lucas, not so much.

Steady Eddy Ready? Ed continues to make mind-exploding choices, with some hitting big and others seeming to scuttle his ship. Is  this the way he makes his picks at the track? On the good side he took the Colts, one of only three to do so. He took the Redskins, one of only four, and he was one of the two to pick the Bills. He followed that with picking the Jags and the Bucs. Yikes!

Kate's System Gains a Bit. Kate is at 70, tied with Wayne and Kirk, ahead of Ed, Marc, Luke, and Jo. She is behind Di, Pat, Mike, Kevin, Sean and Bran, putting her about in the middle statistically. 71.7 is the average and 73 is the mean.

Home Team Dominance? Factoring in Kate's system, it seems fair to count home team advantage a bit more when making bets. There doesn't seem to be a dominant team who can be counted on away form home, absent the Chiefs, and they haven't beaten anyone very tough away from home.

Injuries Abound. Making the picking task more hazardous is the tremendous amount of injuries to key players on each team. It is difficult to figure how teams will adapt in the short term, making the home team more likely to win even more perhaps.

Week 7 Stats

Monday, October 21, 2013


This talk about a conspiracy has me doubting the league office more than I doubt the government! The Commish has cooked up this preposterous yarn about "collusion at the camp". The only item discussed was how Cuz Omaha used to cheat at the All-Star baseball game. Now he's taking more than his picks up the ass! It is hurtful that Cuz Di would even think her oldest brother and favorite cuz would entertain any type of covert activity against anyone(well, maybe Patrick). Again, the thought that Bran Queen B actually thinks someone would copy her picks is laughable. Sean has disclosed that she is "out of control". Please keep in mind the old yet underused saying "what happens at Uncanoonic let no man put asunder". Someone please write to the Commish and tell him how wonderful the pictures, graphs, surveys, notes, and crayons are that he uses daily! I'm standing in four inches of tear drops.

Best to all,

Sunday, October 20, 2013

the commisioners theory

I can assure you while at the cottage i had nothing to do with any bad talk about the Commish . I just make my pics every week and try to remain the cute little cousin I always was. There was a few minutes when Kev and Jo arrived that the three of them (Kirk) were left unattended while i was out picking blueberries . I can not say that some things were not discussed at his time . I say next year there shall be a full meeting with all included !!
Man, I got all chocked up reading the Commish's "pleading for mercy" statement.  Reminds me of Nixon's fairwell address.

I will give him credit for developing the "survey" form.  However, it is poorly named.  Rather than a survey, call it a ballot, prognostication form, picks form, something other than a survey.

I hope all of you have a wonderful day.  It's gonna be a long one for me.  I'm on a liquid diet (no alcohol) because tomorrow at 9:45 AM I take it in the ass to remove a large polup.  Whoopie...

RE: Using the Survey

Thank you for using the survey. I hope it was convenient for you as it is for me.

I indeed took directions from your Bran/Sean to have the first picks as yours.

As you each have a sign in now, you can each have your own survey, accessible wherever there is a computer with internet access. I will make sure you each have your own name to designate. If you use your own name but give both picks, simply put whoevers name is first as first on different picks.

Kirk used his survey just for Thursday night, then went back and filled out a full one for the week and it came through as two individual surveys authored by Kirk.  Hopefully, that can be done for everyone, should they desire that.

The Commish

Week 7 Picks

using the survey

I would like to go on record and say that Sanford has officially used the Monkey this week.  The credit should all go to the Queen B.  I was instructed by the 2nd place big mouth to post my picks first and then Sean's picks second.  So let's see if the Commish can get the picks right!  Now that we have our own sign in can't we just sign in and post under our own names?  I think Sean was cheating this week trying to copy off the leader's picks.  Good luck to all this week, but I have a feeling I will continue to hold the crown.


The Embattled Commissioner Responds

The Commissioner is sadden by the sudden lack of civility experienced on the Go Zone blog recently. As much as he would like to think that it is mostly in jest, the seriousness of the allegations,  assaults on privacy, trampling of rights, tyranny, fascist…it goes on and on.

He cannot help but think the turning points of all this can be traced back to the secret meeting at Uncanoonic last summer. Right under the nose of the Commissioner’s summer residence, league members met at a lake house there, their agenda opaque to those members abandoned by the conspirators. What did they discuss? No one knows, no one is telling. What did they decide? A mystery of all.

They cannot put forth that the Commissioner was unavailable, for his residence is a scant 40 minutes away, and, as the Commissioner has taken to wearing a phone at all times, his availability is without question, especially to members who were formerly in good standing with him.

To conspire, is to literally breathe the same air, as people do who gather in secret, in the dark and sit in a circle to better keep their voices muffled.

Since then, the Commissioner has been eaten up with sadness that such former friends have become such bitter enemies. He can only surmise that they are behind the many attacks upon the Commissioner, each and all ridiculous and unimaginable.

He has tried to look after the league’s business with good humor and sound judgment, but at every turn is attacked and vilified. He does not know who was there, or how deeply their hatred goes, for secret meetings do not provide such transparencies. But he does know they are out there, waiting and plotting and conniving and drooling their slobber on every inch of the league, on every decision and initiative.

Proof, you say? The Commissioner has presided over the complete redesign of the Picks Chart, infusing standard image sizes and colorful backgrounds. Praise? No, just complaints that it is too small.

He has instituted a survey system for picks which standardize the picks and keep them private until all are in, and requiring an entire new process to be completed by the league office. Praise? Hardly, rather he has been attacked for its very creation, of taking away members’ freedoms, of usurping control of the league.

Both of these achievements have been met with cries of horror, that they are proof the Commissioner is out of control, that he is a fascist interloper.

All is shrouded in mystery, however the Commissioner has been able to piece together some salient information. Kirk and Diane are often seen at Uncanoonic in the summer, Kevin resides close by for part of the year. Patrick and Ed are a stone’s throw away all year round. Luke and Marc, the Commissioner’s sons and until now unassailably his backers, are in the vicinity as well. Wayne is known to spend time in New Hampshire at certain times, both Sean and Kate were born there. Brandy seems closely allied with Sean and may be sympathetic to his jaundiced views.

In spite of all this, the Commissioner valiantly soldiers on, making key judgments for the league and hoping the conspirators will see the error of their ways and pledge allegiance to the Commissioner one day soon.

Until then, he humbly works on, putting the league first and foremost into his every waning breath. He will continue on until his enemies rend him asunder.

Yeah Sox

To all:
Back to the series!!! Go Bosox. Nice to all but the Manchester punk for keeeping it upbeat and positive. I think he has a seroius problem with the word "ass". Sounds as if he is back on the Rob Roys. That would be Robus Royum in his Latin lingo world. Go Soxum Bostonius!!!!!!!!!!

Best to almost all,

Picks are in

Picks are in. 



Saturday, October 19, 2013

On a lighter note, way to go Victorino!!!!

RE: Inaccuracies, Distortions and Paranoia from Manchester, Sanford

This "warranted" surveillance is an assault on the constitutional right to privacy of all league members. What enemies?! Trumped up threats and hollow boogiemen is all they are. They're about as real a threat as snarks and grumpkins Canadians north of the Wall border. I will not live in fear of the imagined tyrannies put forth by the commish as justification for his trampling of our rights and I will not live under the tyranny of his fascist regime for those that govern are the real threat to liberty.

Speaking of which, who comprises the esteemed Senior Advisory Council? And who would be voting on making the commish "President for life"? I can't imagine who would want that other than the commish himself. How very clandestine. I demand transparency. Without it this wolf's nose smells corruption and rot behind the closed doors of the SAC. NO LIFE TERMS!

I call on those in Omaha and Sanford to continue challenging the commish on his drunken mad dash for power over our lives and our picks. I sincerely hope that our dear leader is not savaged by a boar when out hunting squirrels while drunk on all his power.

And finally, as usual Naples has decided to vomit more incoherent nonsense all over his keyboard and call it a post. This clown thinks he's so clever. About as clever as a squirrel. All he does is insult his fellow league members with his "jokes" and then has the gall to wish "all" the "best". What a passive-aggressive guy he is eh?  

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis

His Grace,
The King in the North


Disfunction abounds

First, it appears the SAC has no sac. This talk about drones and beheadings and vengeance must cease even though I know firsthand that the Commish has a guillotine in his backyard/office.

Second, he is correct about Manchester sans the political tone. There has not been one audible grunt from there in years that makes any sense.

Third, I believe Bran the Queen B has resorted to taking meds that were prescribed for her two darling children. As we are seeing, it has had an adverse affect on her. Hopefully it will wear off soon. The by-laws clearly state that no one person may hold both offices of President and Queen B unless you have a split personality..............

As for Omaha, paranoia is the theme of the month out there. Just because you don't receive a confirmation of weekly picks doesn't not mean drones are flying overhead. Possibly in the head though. Stay inside for a day or two. I don't want you walking off the fiscal cliff or shooting monkeys.

To all, it seems things are rolling along as smooth as usual.


Inaccuracies, Distortions and Paranoia from Manchester, Sanford

The Commissioner is disappointed with the inaccuracies flowing from Manchester and Sanford. 

Firstly, there is no "unwarranted" surveillance on league members,  even those threatening succession. Only warranted surveillance is tolerated to save the league from terrorists, atheists and scientists.
Secondly, the Commissioner did not appoint himself President for Life, the SAC scheduled a vote to bestow that honor. 

Thirdly, no drones are circling Manchester as I have upon good authority that no liberal thought has been detected there for years.

And fourthly, the Commissioner was clear that no succession shall be accepted before a beheading reconciliation is initiated.

As to Sanford's acceptance of the President for Life designation, Brandy must have misinterpreted the commissioners welcoming message. He identified himself as a potential President for Life, rather than inviting her for that august recognition. That, of course, is the part of the SAC. 

And, contrary to common thought, it had nothing to do with heinous treasonous threats from Omaha, Naples, Sanford and Manchester. It was more that Winter is indeed Coming and the league will need bloodthirsty seasoned leadership and daggers to the heart wisdom.

And, despite any stupid unfortunate misunderstanding with Brandy, it is disgusting gratifying to know that it has been she all along who has been corresponding as Sean. The Commissioner values vengeance clarity highly. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

What's all this then?

Unwarranted surveillance of league members, the commissioner appointing himself president for life, and what next?! More and more constitutional rights disappearing left and right. The march towards fascism continues unabated I see. As of my writing this a drone is probably being dispatched to incinerate monitor the threat.

I fear Winterfell Manchester will soon have no choice but to secede from the league unless the commish meets my demands. He must stop collecting private data on league members and cease this absurd talk of declaring himself president for life.

I've dispatched this raven blog post with my peace terms. In the meantime I've called the banners just in case. Winter is coming.

His Grace,
The King in the North

RE: Omaha

While the Commissioner can guarantee Omaha's survey times will never again be revealed, Omaha will have to accept that surveillance by drones will be with every American forever. This is because of the threat of Islamists, Buddhists, Atheists, Non-Christians, Catholics, Liberals, Europhiles, Socialists...

He has, from very good sources, that your particular drone is from the State of Nebraska. Apparently they have detected a small pocket of liberal thought in your neighborhood.

We must be vigilant!!

President for Life, and
Professor Emeritus
Michael R. O'Leary

The Time Has Come...

For those older members of the league you might get the I Love Lucy reference. 

After only 99 short years I have officially been invited to this league.  I had my acceptance speech all ready... but Kyle ate it.  This is truly a special day. 

Now that I am officially in the league I would like to start a motion to receive the title of "President for Life".  It has been brought to my attention, the current Commish wanted to nominate me from the beginning.  Unfortunately, the position was restricted to current members only.  Along with my invitation to the league the Commish has also requested that I immediately be given this title. 

I will tentatively accept the title until the official votes can be counted.  Thanks Commish!

I would have posted this sooner, but I've been outdoors watching the drone flying over my neighborhood.


Omaha's Concerns

The commissioner, and soon-to-be President for Life, strongly defends his use of the time members spend on making out the survey. Actually, he said he feels it is a meaningless statistic, but used it as a filler to let people know that the surveys had been recorded. The fact that Kevin took almost 24 minutes to finish the survey tells us nothing. Members can be doing all sorts of things while making picks, and being quicker or slower making them doesn't mean anything at all. He might have been watching the game and it got exciting, or he might have been pondering over his picks. Completing the survey quickly could mean the member didn't much care about the picks, or that he had the picks prepared beforehand.

But it is the President for Life's Commissioners part to appreciate each member's needs and concerns, so Omaha shall be free of having his time ever again mentioned.

The Commissioner
(and soon, perhaps, President for Life)

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

Hmmmm...the Commish seems to be collecting a lot of personal data of all of us.  How much time it takes us to make our picks?

I'm getting suspicious of his intrusion into our personal lives.

And he wants to be appointed President for Life?  I don't think so.\



The King in the North and Easy Ed pick the Seahawks.

Thanks but no thanks!

I received your invitation to the Go Zone, but I can't access it from a yahoo account.  If you would like to resend the invitation to I will try it again.  If not, I will continue to post under Sean's name.   There is really no need for the invite because Sean doesn't post anything AND I found the Go Zone emails in my Spam.  Figures... all of these comments are trash anyway. 


Thurs pix

Bran: Seahawks
Sean: Seahawks

Still Time

Ed and Patrick, Sean and Brandy. There is still time.

Roger That, Omaha

Wayne's picks are in. He took 5 minutes and 9 seconds to complete the survey. Diane took 1 minute and 29 seconds, with Kirk taking 50 seconds. It should noted that Wayne and Diane picked for all the games, but Kirk picked only for tonight's game.
My picks are in at 3:19 pm, Thursday 10-17-13.


RE: Indeed

"Nowhere in the by-laws does it even remotely say anything about the Commish being blessed with a life term."

No, indeed that is correct. However, the SAC has suggested I be appointed President for Life, not Commissioner for Life. 

By the way, the Finances Page has been updated again.

The Commish, and soon to be President for Life

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


To All,
I must first back the Commish in response to Bran's brazen bashing as indeed "squirrelous and baseballless". Also the thought of treason could only come from a left-coast, left-wing goldrushing educator! As Patrick Henry meant to say "Give me football or give me death". Obviously the "Queen B" has taken it to a new low level. Her misguided notion that she will maintain the slimmest of leads surely will fade faster than her semi-sharp tongue. 
Nowhere in the by-laws does it even remotely say anything about the Commish being blessed with a life term. With that said, let's all have a debt ceiling party!

Best to all,

Week 7 Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.
Well...well...well...  Looky here!!!  It looks like I have taken the lead.  It seems like there is quite a silence coming from Naples.  Did the big Kevin really expect his brother to fight his battles for him?  Kevin (which may not be his real name) may be too busy wiping those tears from being left in the dust.  If you would like to call it quits now, I will gladly accept the trophy.  If not, I'm sure I will go downhill from here.  Until then I will be referred to as the Queen.

Queen "B"  (get name starts with a B)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Brandy's Extreme Allegation Will Not Be Tolerated

The Commissioner has expressed outrage at member Brandy's allegation and she is reminded of the Commissioner's power to deduct points from a member's total for making false and libelous accusations. To rashly hurl such destructive and despicable charges at the Commissioner threatens the very foundation of the league. The integrity of our entire league, not to mention Bran's point total, rests on establishing the truth in this matter.

To wit, the Commissioner duly invited Bran to join the league and she did so, her reported email address of: This email address is receiving each and every post and comment submitted to the GoZone.

The commissioner demands an immediate retraction of her scurrilous and baseless charge. If she is not receiving emails of posts and comments, it has nothing to do with the commissioner or the league office.

To remain silent on this issue is to invite severe and irreparable retaliation.

In other news...

In reaction to Bran's charges, The Senior Advisory Council has proposed that Michael O'Leary be named President for Life, as well as Commissioner of the Go Zone League.


Also, it is totally untrue that it took Kevin 56 weeks to realize that Bran was using his picks. He never did realize it; the commissioner told him. After analyzing the results of Marc and Luke's remarkable parallel scores, the commish decided to see if anyone else had done that and stumbled upon the Kevin-Brandy connection. He called Kevin and accused him of using Brandy's picks, and Kevin just laughed. Also, other members have communicated to the commissioner to use another's picks on occasion, so there is nothing wrong with it. If people want to publish their picks, they are in a sense sharing them.


And finally, if Sanford welcomes the privacy of picks, why then don't they use the survey?

Commissioner's Notes—Week 6

1. New Leader Emerges. Bran has taken sole control of the leadership with 12 points for the week and 70 overall. Kev with 69, Mike with 67, Di and Patrick with 64 Wayne, Sean with 62, Kirk and Kate with 61, and Marc, Ed and Luke with 59, 58, and 57 follow. Bran leap-frogged Kevin with the Monday night pick of the chargers, creating a 3 point swing.

2. Unanimous Pics 4-1. Unanimous picks Chicago, Kansas City, Denver and Seattle all won. Texas was the only unanimous loser.

3. Tyranny of the Majority. Ed lost his lone pick of the Cardinals over the 49ers. Luke his pick of the Redskins over the Cowboys and Kate's pick of the Bills over the Bengals.

4. Tyranny of the Minority. Bran and Kate won big with their Monday night Chargers picks. Ed won his pick of the Panthers over the Vikes. Diane and Marc won with their Steeler picks.

5. Patriot-Haters Lose. It seems Patriot haters Kirk, Ed and Sean have been joined by Bran in losing points by picking against the Pats. It is amazing how many points haters will sacrifice for their Anti-Patriots obsession. Sanford seems to be the center of this fanaticism, but, this league is all about making your own choice, so nothing can be done, officially, to them. However, if one of the league's members is associated with the organization Anonymous, then things could get sticky, and there is nothing the league can do to protect them.

Week 6 Stats

Monday, October 14, 2013

Impeach Kevin!

I would first like to say that it took Kevin 56 weeks to figure out that I was selecting the same picks as him.  It first began as a simple joke and then I realized he should really be paying more attention.  However, as the weeks went on I realized this was a good quality control exercise.  I believe the Commish erroneously posted my picks every week.  The Commish really messed with my prank!  With that being said I would just like to say “Your welcome” for the quality control.  It really wasn’t fair to the players to be able to see everyone’s picks.  There was a lot of cheating going on…especially at the end of the season. 

I believe if the Chargers win on Monday I will still have more points than Kevin and that is all that really matters in this league.  I’m a little upset because I was talked out of picking the Pats.  My husband had another moment of weakness and told me I should not pick them.  Oh… the horror! 

I also want to point out that I was never given access to the Go Zone.  I am no longer receiving the charts each week and feel like the Commish is trying to squeeze me out of this league.  That could only mean that Kevin is behind this treasonous action.  I hereby move to strike Kevin from the roster. 

That is all…for now.

Go Chargers!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 6 Picks

Survey this

There is way too much confusion for the midwest to handle on the survey. It must be the time zone difference. Cuz Omaha, I have news for you. Your picks are missing even after they are in! I'm sure the asterisk beside "NAME" throws you off as well. Hang in there---winter is coming.

Nice to see the Commish back in the saddle(not the bike saddle). Haven't heard much lately from that snotty-nosed Manchester kid.

Sean would never mention it so I will. He shot a 75 last week at Orange National. Cuz Omaha, that's 18 holes. No, not mini-golf.

Bran has been cheating again, choosing all my picks.

The Ghost Rider from Manchester has been himself----absent.

Diane is eating her frozen Uncanoonic blueberries and Kirk is hiding in a tree in Granby. Things are normal there!

Best to all in week 6

Wk 6 Sanford

Bran: pack, bungles, lions, texans, vikes, chiefs, jets, eagles, broncos, Seahawks, saints, niners, cowboys, chargers

Sean: pack, bungles, browns, texans, vikes, chiefs, jets, eagles, broncos, Seahawks, saints, niners, cowboys, colts

Omaha's Picks In, Some still Missinng

We have, by the survey, picks from Wayne, Kevin, Jo, Ed, Patrick, and Kirk. Diane picked early via the blog. We have Kate's standard picks, and Luke and Mark's picks by phone. The commissioner has picked.

That leaves Sean and Bran still out there.
Omaha picks are in...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday Night Picks

You know what this means...

Week 6 Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Thursday Week 6

The King in the North and Easy Ed pick Da Bears.

kirks pic

Kirks pic for thursday night is ...... The Bears

Thurs wk6 Sanford

Sean: Bears
Bran: Bears
I'm going with the Bears in the Thursday night game.

I'll post the rest of my picks whenever the survey shows up...


dianes week 6 picks

Thursday nights game : Bears

Patriots (never a hater )

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Other breaking news:  The Commish is also fair game.

Week 5 Observations

Some noteworthy and pithy observations:

Kevin and Bran Hold Steady. Both had a 9-5 record this week and lead the Commish by 2, 58-56. Sean's 10-4 week got him a 53, tied with Diane and The King.  Kate's home team plus Pats picks have her in the middle with a 52. Kirk and Ed have 51, Wayne 50 and Jo 49. The O'Leary twins, Marc and Luke, have 48.

Sean Coming On. After a somewhat slow start, Sean has had 10 wins in each of the last two weeks.

Two Sets of Members Have Tracked Each Other Each Week. Marc and Luke have had the same record each week this year, as have Kevin and Bran. Amazingly, Marc and Luke have had different choices each week and still have identical records. Even more amazingly, Kevin and Bran have had identical picks each and every week. What are the odds of that!

Mass Losses. Unanimous picks have had a checkered record this year. In week 5, both the Falcons and Patriots lost, while San Fran won.

Patriots Now Fair Game. Respecting the traditions of the league is important, and one is that the Pat will get the benefit of the doubt until they lose. Well, they lost, so they are now fair game for picking against, although it still indicates a lack of personal values to a certain extent.

Survey Gains Numbers. Five members used the surveys for their picks last week, up from 3 last week. The commish would like each member to at least try it before he makes a judgment on its future.

Week 5 Stats

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week 5 Picks

Sanford pix wk 5

Bran: pats, packers, seahawks, dolphins, saints, eagles, chiefs, rams, cardinals, broncos, 49ers, chargers, falcons 

Sean: pats, pack, colts, ravens, saints, eagles, chiefs, rams, panthers, broncos, niners, chargers, falcons

Naples pix wk 5

Jo takes: pats, lions, seahawks, dolphins, bears, eagles, titans, rams, cardinals, broncos, 49ers, chargers, falcons

Kev takes: pats, packers, seahawks, dolphins, saints, eagles, chiefs, rams, cardinals, broncos, 49ers, chargers, falcons

Saturday, October 5, 2013


The Commish was asleep during the whole ordeal. Asleep.
The Commish was unconscious throughout the whole ordeal?

Commissioner Survives Exploding Truck!!

Below are two photos of a burning truck that was parked across the street from the Commissioner's house. It was discovered fully on fire at 3 am yesterday.

Although the first photo is quite blurry, the second shows people standing in the road and on the sidewalk across the street from the Commissioner's house.

In an incredible act of bravado, the Commissioner slept through the whole thing.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Yikes - my day got off to a quicker start than I'd anticipated.

I forgot about the President's Cup golf tournament.  Had to watch a couple hours of that before the Sox game...

Since I'm not an NFL fan, I watch very few of its games.  Only as a last resort when I can't find a good movie, golf tournament, something...anything.

That's better than the NBA though, I absolutely never watch so much as a minute of their games.


RE: Plans

Sound exciting, but I don't see Sunday, 2 cst, Patriots at Bengals.

You'll want to see if your Bengals pick wins!!
Ah...making plans for a great weekend.

Friday - 2 PM CST, Red Sox.  (TBS)

Friday - 7 PM, Minnesota at Nebraska volleyball. (BTN)

Saturday - 11 AM, Illinois at Nebraska football. (ESPN2)

Saturday - 7PM, Wisconsin at Nebraska volleyball (NET) 

Saturday - 9 PM - Boxing match featuring No. 1 ranked challenger Terance Crawford, an Omaha kid, (135 lbs.)  The fight is in Orlando against a Russian kid.  Crawford is  21-0 with 16 KOs and will soon be fighting for the belt.  (HBO).

Sunday - Noon, at Tammy's for 10th birthday party for beautiful granddaughter Emma, always a joy.

Life is good...


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday Picks


Easy Ed has resurfaced to pick the Browns.

Thursday Week 5

The King in the North picks the Browns.

Easy Ed is MIA. No pick.

Thurs pix

Bran: browns

Sean; browns
I found the survey to be quite simple to complete.  And, I might add, quite efficient. 

I suspect Manchester, Naples and Sanford are among those whose philosophy is that nothing should be done for the first time.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Naples thurs pix & report on Commish

Jo takes the Bills
Kev takes the Browns

To all Patriot-haters: Do not go near Ft. Myers. Talk about a long, twisted diatribe. I did check on the Commish. His condition is improving and his faculties are intact.

RE: Hey Commish

I did indeed get your fully completed survey. Did you find it beneficial, or like Manchester, Naples and Sanford, is it the beginning of the end of the world?

I did indeed make a mistake on that Patriots game, but it really doesn't matter. For people in this league, the minute they see "Patriots" their pick is done. As of last week, that can be taken to mean they will eaither pick for or against the Pats. Good, God-fearing, America-loving members pick the Pats.  Of course, there are notable exceptions.

By the way, I see you erroneously picked the Pats. I changed it to the Bengals for you.

You're welcome.

BTW, that is not a prop. That is an honest-to-God dead squirrel (or maybe a rabbit, I'm not sure).

Hey Commish:

I completed the week 5 survey, did you receive it?


Check the first two games in your week 5 survey.  You have the Bills playing the Brown, then the Patriots playing the Browns.

Might wanna correct that.


Week 5 Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Week 5 Survey Notes—Please Read

A few notes on the use of the survey: 

1. I have included the Monday night game for anyone who wants to pick the entire schedule early. DO NOT fill out only the Monday night game and try to come back to finish the schedule. Apparently, the survey records your IP address and limits each unique address to one survey. If you use the survey for the rest of the week's games, you can leave the first one blank, or if it wants an answer, you can put in your answer, I will not be using that answer for the picks grid.

2. I have changed the name answer to a drop down menu. Simply scroll to your name to input it.

3. If you want to use the survey for both answers, you can use the Monday night slot to indicate which order each person will be choosing. For instance, Kev-Jo in the Monday night slot will indicate the that first picks are Kev's and the second's Jo's.

4. The survey allows for faster and hopefully more accurate completion of the picks grid. I get the picks in the same form (vertical) and the same order as the picks grid chart. An alternative would be for everyone to post their picks in the same order as the grid chart and in a vertical list, as is required in the Go Zone Rules and Regulations.

5. Members who do not use the survey for all their picks should make their Thursday night pick in the usual manner—by phone, text, email, or post in the Go Zone.

RE: Bleah


That's funny, because whenever someone asks me "How's Wayne," my answer is "Bleah."

Now that he is a Pats hater, my answer will be "Double Bleah." I assume your picking the Bengals this week, for they have a better record and better numbers than the mighty Falcons. How could the Pats possibly compete against such a team?

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Kirk pics the Browns for Thursday night

Week 5 Schedule

Week 4 Stats