Monday, November 14, 2011


There seems to be some pent-up anger coming from a Lake Mary owner. She took little time and only a few words to totally dismiss many of the other owner's worthiness. Sean says she has enrolled in the local anger management class but is upset that the sessions are held on sunday afternoons. Now that last year's totals are official, she attacks the "defender" with some gobble-dy gook about the season being too short! Wait, I think I hear Cuz banging on the keys to find another reason for the inept asterisk*********to be placed somewhere in the archives of the Commish's office. Just a pathetic attempt to discredit those on top. It was nice to see something from Bran. I was beginning to think she was turning into an Uncle Ed. As for the race for the Limpbody trophy this year, it should be tight right to the end. A note of interest though, as it looks like the leader Jo may take a bit of a stumble this week. Somebody tell Patrick that the Pats won and let Luke know that the games are usually on sunday and he got lucky with that pick on thursday. Last I knew the Commish was internet-friendly but haven't heard a lick lately! Get out of the pool and send some memos! The owners need to discuss a possible fine for Bran's goopy-poopy rant********************************************.

Best to all

The Defender