Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Gloating Glow

For some unknown reason, there is an edgy, gloating type of glow coming out of the Commish's office based on "The Defender" having a tough week. Staying with the pack is key and the good teams always come back strong. As Montaigne said before his last game, " Go forward and pass assiduous owners in due time".
Is Ed still in the league? Scott got lucky and Cuz probably picked after the games again. Lucas has been sniffing too much cement dust and Jo all of a sudden has become much more scientific with her picks. No word lately from the Nocturnal Nomad. Must be shoveling that October snow. Bran-Ry are making that mid-season run as if to say " we belong in this league". Kate, forget about it. Sean started slow and is now going slower. Is there room for expansion?

The Defender