Sunday, November 13, 2011

The Silence is Broken

After much thought, I have decided to break my silence. I would like to first request that the Commish cease sending out the weekly games with the spread showing who is favored. This is causing multiple unanimous decisions among the players. I know this is an evil plot to get us all thinking the same way so the Commish can manipulate the season. Don't think I haven't been watching you Commish. The simple fact that you cannot complete the simple math each week makes me question your capability to run this league. I have some extra fingers and toes if you'd like to borrow them for the tally. I'd like to leave you with all with this little limerick:

There once was a boy named Kevin
Who on average scores a seven
He is the defender without reason
Because he won only half a season
The results should be tossed
Because the Commish is always sloshed
His mathematics aren’t up to par
Probably because he’s been at the bar
A new champ will be crowned
As long as I’m around
And leave the rest of you with a frown(ed)