Saturday, November 5, 2011

Commissioner's Picks for Week 9

Only one pick not going to the favorite this week.

Falcons over the Colts. Kind of a no-brainer, but still, the Falcons need a win, the Colts seem to be searching for Luck.

Saints over the Bucs. Mainly because it is a home game for them. Saints are hurting, but Bucs seem to be having the second year blues.

Texans over the Browns. Texans are okay, but the Browns are ridden with problems and dissension. Not a good situation on the road.

Bills over the Jets. Mainly, I can't stand the Jets and I think they are over-hyped. All that talk and shouting at each other, a young, limited quarterback. You'd think a collapse would destroy the team. If a team eventually takes on the personality of its coach, then the Jets, full of hot air and hubris, will tank ugly eventually,  guaranteeing a super bowl win to the end. Kind of like how Hitler gave the Allies one last chance to surrender to him before he committed suicide.

Chiefs over the Dolphins. Dolphins look horrible and the Chiefs look average with a bit of grit, so that should take it.

49ers over Redskins. A tale of two teams going in the opposite direction. What ever happened to Mike Shanahan?

Cowboys over Seahawks. I'd pick anyone over the Seahawks at this point.

Raiders over the Broncos. Which to pick, the team with an old and rusty formerly good weak-armed quarterback or the team with an over-hyped, mechanically flawed rookie quarterback who polarizes his locker room? Hard to tell at times whether his offensive line is just letting defenders through to cream him. By all accounts, Tebow is a fine person and an outstanding Christian. But I suspect that a lot of his following is because of that and not because of his football skills. So when his Christian followers complain about anti-Christian reasons for criticism, it sounds like hypocrisy to me. Just the fact that it is an issue is disturbing. On a similar note, I was sickened when Adrian Gonzalez explained the Red Sox September Choke as "it was God's will." Okay, God loves Tampa Bay more than the Red Sox?

Titans over the Bengals. This one could be close, but I go with the home team.

Cardinals over the Rams. Cardinals are hurt and not very good. Rams had a big win that might seep into this game.

Patriots over the Giants. A homer on this one, but I don't think the defense did anything much different last week. Same number of years and points allowed, but the offense didn't put up points enough to win it. Look for a few deep passes on singe coverage this week.

Packers over the Chargers. The Chargers are an epically bad good team. There is something absolutely soft at its core that holds back all that talent, and most people feel it is its coach. Rob Ryan certainly does, and we know he is never wrong.

Steelers over the Ravens. Payback is sweet. And the Ravens seem to lack something offensively.

Eagles over the Bears. Eagles on the rise; Bears' quarterback and offensive line are hurling insults at each other. Their running back is disgruntled.