Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Week 12 Observations

1.   Scott Rules the Week (Again). Scott is on fire! He followed last week’s winning average with this week’s as well, going 14-2. 
2.   The Commish Rebounds. He went 0-3 on Turkey Day and lost the first game on Sunday, but bounced backwith only one loss the rest of the way.
3.   Ed is Still a KaKa Head. Yes, for the umpteenth time, Ed picked against the Patriots. We’ll  never know why because he neither answers his phone or returns e-mail, but for some reason he continues to pick against the Pats. And he has a degree in history!
4.   Picks of the Week. Kate and Luke get the POW honors, picking the Redskins over the Seahawks.
5.   Turkey Picks of the Week. Kate for picking the Chiefs (and I gave her 3 chances to change that!), Luke for picking the Bills (although that could have been a great pick!),  Of course Ed for his Eagles pick, Bran and Ryan for the Bears pick, and Luke again for his Browns pick (although that one too was very close).  The final Turkey Pick was Sean for his Bucs pick. That team has tanked with a much more difficult schedule than last year.
6.   JoJo Still Rules. Jo has a one point lead on the Prince of Darkness 128-127. The Commish is next with 125 and Patrick and Wayne are tied with 124. With 5 games remaining, time is getting short to make up points, but the way Scott is going, he might soon be in the running.