Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Week 10 Observations

1.     JoJo Still Strong. Jo remains in the lead with 104 points, followed closely by Kevin, Wayne and the Commish with 101. Patrick is steady at 98 and Bran and Ryan are next with 96.
2.     Kevin Up, Wayne Down. Kevin was the week’s winner at 10-6 and 11 points. Wayne slipped with 7-9, but won the Monday Night Pick.
3.     Something Foul on Silbey Terrace. The O’Leary boys, Ed and Patrick, broke the tacit but well known ban against picking against the Patriots. The League Office is concerned by their flagrant disregard for precedent, and has initiated an investigation into the motivation for their anti-Patriot, anti-American and anti-God picks. Until the investigation is over, their point totals will be astericked.
4.     Unanimous Picks Mixed. The league members were 1-2 on unanimous picks, losing on the Ravens and Eagles and winning on the Packers. All were overwhelming and overwhelmingly logical picks though.
5.     Picks of the Week. Leader Jo shares the pick of the week with her endorsement of the Titans over the Panthers. Luke has the other POW with his Raiders pick.
6.     Reverse Picks of the Week. Wayne lost with the Colts and Patriot haters Ed and Patrick picked the Jets. Patrick and the Commish were alone in their losing picks of the Bucs.
7.     Falcons/Saints Game. Points were won and lost by members after the Falcons went for it on fourth and one and lost, thereby giving the game to the Saints. A tough way to lose a point!