Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Week 9 Observations

1.     Jo Continues to Lead. Jo was 7-7 but in an off week for most that kept her lead. She has 95,  Wayne 93, the Commish 91, and Patrick and Kevin with 90.
2.     Scott and B-Ry Remain Hot. Scott tied Bran and Ryan with a 9-5 week, continuing hot streaks for them.
3.     Picks of the Week. Lucas gets the first two awards, one for the Dolphins over the Chiefs and another for the Cowboys over the Raiders. He also joined Scott as the only two members to choose the Ravens over the Steelers.
4.     Strong on Unanimous Picks. Only the Eagles lost as a unanimous pick. The Falcons, Saints, Cowboys and Texans all won. Green Bay wasn’t unanimous when Kate picked the Chargers.
5.     Kevin’s Worst Week Ever! Proving there is a higher power, Kevin slipped to 5-9 this week. That means he lost 4 more picks  than he won. He almost doubled his win total with his loss total. I’ve heard that Kenzie is kind of embarrassed for him, and Ryan cried when he heard about Kevin’s picks this week.  Buck up, Kevie. That Grandfather worship couldn’t last forever!