Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday Night Pick

After due consideration, the Commissioner picks the Tebows over the Jets. The Jets have a history of delivering clunkers after games against the Pats. Last year they lost to the Dophins, at home, 12-9. In the playoffs they lost to the Steelers after a widely reported week of partying celebrating their victory in Foxborough.

I think the Tebows would be easier to beat if a team got a few touchdowns ahead and made them pass. The Jets' offense is not a high scoring one. It will be the ground and pound Jets against the even more ground and pound Tebows. Also, this looks like a cosmic case of Good vs. Evil. The foot-fetishing, minor-dating, illegal-gun-shooting, not-paying-child-support-for-your-5-illegitimate-kids Jets seem at a disadvantage against the God-fearing, country-loving, polite Tebows. Throw in a very short week, a long flight, high altitude, and Denver fans, and I see a classic trap game.

Plus, I just hate the Jets. The Commish has spoken (or, more accurately, written).