Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Week 5 Observations

1.     Loser Ed Loses. He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken (Ed) lost ground this week. The Jets-loving Patriots hater’s  miserable 7-6, the worst of the week, featured his predictable pick of the Jets over the Patriots. He also picked the Falcons over The Pack. The league office takes no position on all of this, other than to be reassured that God exists and He is just.
2.     A Good Week.  Jo, Bran and Ryan, Kate and the Commish, all came in at 10-3. 
3.     Satan Now Tied. HWNCBS is now tied with Jo and his son Patrick (sorry Patrick) with 60 points. The Commish is closing in with 59 and Rex Kevin is close behind at 58. Wayne is lurking at 56. B-Ry and Kate are surging at 55 and 54.
4.     Only 4 Unanimous Picks this Week. We were 3-1 with the Lions, The Chargers, and the Vikes. The only loser was the Giants.
5.     Pick of the Week. The closest thing to a pick of the week goes to the Commish, Sean and Scott for the Raiders.
6.     Worst Picks of the Week. HWNCBS picked both the Jets (hahahahahahaha) and the Falcons (haha).