Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Points Investigations

Member Allegation.The Commissioner's Office has initiated an investigation into the points discrepancy involving Kevin's total,based upon Patrick's complaint. Until the investigation is completed, Kevin's total will remain at 70. The software used for point totals, a program called "Fun with Arithmetic" for the Windows 95 platform, is being evaluated for possible errors based upon the Y2K glitch.

Language in Posts. An investigation has also been initiated with respect to the use of kaka words (b------t) in official league communications. Until the investigation is completed and points are or are not deducted from Patrick's total, his point total will be astericked, as in keeping with league protocol. Members are reminded that this is a family blog and language should be proper and appropriate. We just hope Ryan, Kenzie and/or Luke have not been adversely affected by this incident.

Member Allegations II. As for accusations that the commissioner has been in cahoots with Kevin or any other league member, it should be noted that the commissioner's office must be above such suspicions and accusations. Any accusation must be accompanied by solid proof. Formal accusations that are proven false could be sanctioned with loss of point(s).

the commish