Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Montaigne said we should be as conservative in our judgments as we are in our confessions. With that in mind, it seems strange that Patrick condemns and accuses the Commissioner's Office for faulty arithmetic, yet passes off his own addition mistake as merely a "typo."

On another note, Patrick is correct to callout Kevin for his juvenile use of capitals to bring attention to the word "ass" embedded in "assiduous." Given that Kevin usually misuses that word, it seems strange that he uses it so often. Use of capitals assumes that the assorted words he chooses will assist him in having blog members associate "ass" to whomever he is targeting on that particular day. Yet, Kevin should be appreciated for his enthusiasm. He is crass, I admit, and what passes for class in his world is transparent as glass, but as every lass and lad knows, we have to avoid the morass of being judgmental.

The Commish Has Spoken