Saturday, October 1, 2011


The owners need to call a meeting. The Commish is starting to throw around big words. I use BIG words that people can understand but the Commish uses words with ass in it. These indirect insults must stop. Maybe he missed his morning walk or the coffee pot broke or something! Kate, Scott and Miss McKenzie are visiting. Pa and NanJo are thrilled. I am concerned that having to pick this week in the close proximity of Kate and Scott may rub off on "The Defender". We'll get through it.
I hope SeanO is recovering from last week's nightmarish picks. Patrick, please google "assiduously" and get back to me with the results. I may use it in my next novel. No words of wisdom from Marcus(there never have been). He must be related to the Post Ghost. Luke needs to wake up and know who is driving who's car! The guy was incoherent when picking last week and still beat half the owners! What does that tell you?
Gotta go, the reporters are here for more interviews.

Assiduously yours
The Defender