Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rambling Response

*Sarcasm* The Defender's* arithmetic is as flawless as ever I see. Ah yes 58+10 does equal 70! I see it now. The Defender* sure is a valuable ASSet when it comes to math. He should be ASSigned all points total calculations from now on. I'm sure he needs no ASSistance. I'm sure he can ASSuage our fears of any miscalculations with his ASSorted math skills. I make no ASSumptions when I say that he will pursue such perfect calculations ASSiduously. ASSiduity is his middle name after all! *Sarcasm End*

Also my mental faculties are just fine thank you very much. How are yours? I think living in Florida has baked your brain "Defender"*...or are you just baked.

Pat O

PS: 58+10=68