Wednesday, October 19, 2011

For the Record

For the Record Commish, it was cuz Wayne who posted a typo not me. My arithmetic was fine. Though it is strange that you would accuse me of faulty arithmetic while you yourself are mistaken about who is the author of that post with the typo. What did Montaigne say about being conservative in our judgments?

However I have come to believe the Commissioner's Office is innocent of any malicious wrongdoing, specifically of being in cahoots with Uncle Kev*. My reasoning is that it is simply illogical to be in cahoots with "The Defender"*. You'd have to be more hammered than John Lackey during the seventh inning stretch to want to be that.

Though I guess we will have to wait for the findings of Ken Starr's investigation before the office can be officially cleared of any wrongdoing.