Tuesday, October 18, 2011


It's good to know Ken Starr is on the case. Hopefully this injustice will be dealt with in short order.

Ah. I've just heard from Mr. Starr's office. It seems 58+10 does indeed equal 68 not 70. There is definitely grounds for an investigation of potential corruption in the head office. Hopefully for the sake of the league this will be proven to be a simple records keeping error and nothing insidious.

On another note I would like to apologize to those offended by this owner's use of obscenities especially to Luke. I know he has delicate sensibilities according to his father. I'm sorry if you were offended Luke by my salty language.

This brings me to my last point, Uncle Kevin's focus on the ass in assiduously. For example: ASSiduous. This passive aggressive behavior is unacceptable.