Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Wow! The owners must step in and put an end to this demeaning trash that is going around. Patrick needs more Rob Roys. I don't think I know anyone who lives with someone who bet against the Patriots three weeks in a row! This is ASSiduous! Patrick's choice of words brings out the very whine of poo poo. There only exists a foul odor coming from Sibley Terrace. As for the jump-on-the-bandwagon pathetic attempt to create more havoc cuz, I must now crown him the "Gaylesburg Gusher". I still await to hear from the accounting firm of Brandy & Brandy but I do like the new math that the Commish has implemented into the program! I had no idea I would have to defend so many different things in such a short time since ascending to the top but I will get used to it. However. I will not defend the loose lips of Patrick "he's out and about" O'Leary. I will call the rectory tomorrow to see when confessions are heard and of course I will pray that you make incorrect picks this week. Cuz, hi to Karen. See might be the saint who hears Patrick's confession!

Deeply troubled,
The Defender