Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Wildlife Alert!

There is a serpent in the garden, and, like most snakes, when it gets within striking range it can be dangerous. And this one is slouching toward the playoffs.

Kevin's 12-4 week bought him to only 7 points behind Luke. Seven points is very possible to make up during the playoffs. Last year Marc was 8 points behind Kevin, and made up 7 points on the wildcard weekend alone.

Kevin's 12 point week was incredible, given that only one other member even broke double figures. That was Brandy with 10 points. The rest of us were 8-8 or 9-7 or 7-9.

A reminder of the playoff rules:

Playoff Game Rules:

1. Members will begin the playoffs with their total points from the season.

2. Each playoff pick win will add 3 points to their scores.

3. If the member's pick is the underdog in the game, 2 points will be added as well.

Superbowl Rules

1. The Superbowl winning pick is worth 7 points, but no underdog points.

2. In addition, there will be 7 possible additional points depending upon game statistics.
Members will pick the winner of the game, but also which team will have the
a. Most Rushing Yards
b. Most Passing Yards
c. Most Completions
d. Most penalty yards
e. Most sacks
f. Most turnovers
g. Most Passing TD’s.