Sunday, January 3, 2016

Leaders' Picks for Week17

If it weren't for Luke, the Millie award winner would come down to only two games—the Lions at the Bears and the Redskins at the Cowboys. Jo and Luke took the Bears, the rest the Lions. Jo, Luke and Karen took the Skins, Wayne and Ed the Cowboys.

If not for Luke, members would only have to scan the winners of those two games to know who won the Millie.

But no, not with Luke in the league. Luke singularly chose Seattle, the Raiders, and the Vikings, putting each of those games into play. If he hits on three of the five picks, he is the winner. If he hits on two of the first four, then the Millie will go to Wayne if the Cardinals prevail, Luke if it is Seattle.

Ed cannot advance because he has the exact same picks at Wayne, who is one point ahead of him.

Jo can win the Millie if the Bears and the Skins win, and the Vikes, Raiders and Seahawks all lose, certainly possible because they are all road games for the latter.

Karen cannot win because she has only the Skins pick different than Wayne and she is four points behind him. It is interesting to note that her total would have been 159 if she had picked for the Pats the entire season, but that would still leave one her short in this scenario.