Monday, January 11, 2016

On the Proposed Rule Changes

Omaha has requested some rule changes. Before submitting them to the SAC, the Commish needs clarification on each.

1.  During the regular season - the picks chart should not be published (or otherwise divulged) until after kickoff of (1) the Thursday night game;  (2) the first game of the weekend,  (after which no changes may be made to a member's weekend picks,) and (3) the Monday night game.

I am not sure why these changes are necessary. It will mean publishing an added game (Monday Night, which means publishing the entire picks chart again. No one has asked for Monday's game picks to be changed so far, so what is the need for all the security?

2.  During the playoffs, the following applies:

The picks chart is not to be posted until after kickoff of Saturday's first game, and no change in picks is allowed for that day.  The same applies for Sunday's games.

This is easily accomplished, but again no one has requested a change in picks before the games start, so the necessity eludes me. However, this can be done easily. It is currently policy that no picks can be changed once the Picks Chart is published, which accomplishes the same thing as this proposed change.

3.  All picks or changes must be in 15 minutes prior to the scheduled (published) start of each day's games.

Presently, the Ghost Rule calls for one half hour for picks to be processed. If all of the picks except for two or three are in much earlier, then 15 minutes is reasonable. However, we have a few members who routinely withhold their picks until the last minute (Deland, the Ghost, and Sanford come to mind) so their picks would require a longer time, unless the Commish is willing to miss the beginning of Thursday, Sunday and Monday night games, which he is not.

With this in mind, the Commish will argue for his points with the SAC. Their ruling on these changes will be published in a timely manner.