Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Big Red's a Bit Touchy

The Commish makes observations, based upon incontrovertible facts, for most weeks' picks. Recently, he made an observation of Big Red's suicidal anti-Pats picks.

Nothing he observed was not a fact, except for the haters comment, more on that later. In essence, any bet against Brady and the Pats has to be tempered by the fact that the Pats, as well as some other teams, are and have been overwhelming winners.

If you pencil in 12 wins for the Pats, that means if you pick them every week you will be gain 12 points for the year. Other teams are also "good bets" even if they may lose a few times. Once one begins to pick and choose which teams will beat these powerhouse teams, you run the risk of picking wrongly and lessening one's point total.

The Commish's observation in question, that if Big Red had penciled in the Pats each week she would be tied for first, may be painful for Big Red, but it is a fact. When the statements of facts are assailed as somehow biased, we are entering the realm of Politics, where facts disagreeing with a political point of view are either ignored or refuted.

The "hater" comment was added to the Commish's observations by someone in the IT department. IT Department head Guido Gonzales is presently conducting an investigation into how that could have happened. But punishment will be light, for the Commish is a huge Pats fan and can easily understand how people might feel protective of the Pats in general and have animosity toward people who attack the Pats by picking against them.

Big Red's threats of "waiting until next year" are indication enough of her feeling toward the Pats, as is her admission that she likes other teams better than the Pats. The Commish regrets that the loyalty oath and admission process were in effect of all league members.

The Commish has spoken.