Friday, January 15, 2016

How to Make a Post to the Go Zone on an Iphone

Jo's text to the Go Zone informed the league of her difficulty in making a post. She and Kevin instead used the comment feature to communicate. The problem with that is that everyone does not receive notifications of comments, only posts. Therefore, many league members probably didn't see their comments or the many comments from others.

Here is her text:

Therefore, this is a way to post comments to the Go Zone from an iphone.

1. Sign in to your gmail account.

2. In Safari, type in ""  You should get the blog with a grey background.

3. Scroll down to the end of the page.

4. Just before you get to Contributors with a black background, you will see a blue button named "home." Under that will be "View Web Version."

5. Click on the "View Web Version" and you should get the web version of the Go Zone.

6. If you are signed in to your google account, you should have a your gmail account showing in the header. (You may have to enlarge the type to see it.) If you are not signed in, click on "Sign In" in the top header and sign in. It will send you to your gmail information page. On it will be the blogs you belong to. Click on The Go Zone and it will bring up the web version of the Zone. If it doesn't, go back and repeat steps 3-8.

7. To the right of your gmail account name will be "New Post."

8. Click on "New Post" and you will get the new post format.

—Many thanks to Wayne Gonyea, new Go Zone IT Consultant, and Guido Gonzales, Go Zone IT Manager.